Alfea - A Rare Magic (ARM)by Fentasie Hope
We really enjoy fanfictions and a well written book in general, but there are little with main characters who are disabled...and as far we know none with our kind of dis...
I Remember Like It Was Yesterdayby The Aneurysm and AVM Foundati...
NONFICTION: A young man chooses to be the caregiver to his new girlfriend and his life is forever changed by love. Written by Minh Tran
Being Meby psychic_being
A story about how it is to be a psychic, depressed, and sick -all at the same time.
Living With Chiariby ChiariSurvivor
Being sick is already terrifying, but Anne went from perfectly healthy to on her death bed in the matter of a day. Yet, doctors either cannot help her, or refuse to.
Passion: Blessings at a Great Costby The Aneurysm and AVM Foundati...
Nonfiction: A husband and father struggles as caretaker to find that through this new "job" he is saved. Written by Matt Mihalek