Glitter - UshiTen

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Caregiver: Ushijima
Regressor: Tendou

Ushijima sighed, turning around in his chair in his room. "Satori! Why are you making so much noise?!"

There was a loud laugh.

Ushijima stood, worried. He went to the kitchen where Tendou was sat on the floor, pots and pans spread all around. Tendou was tapping them with a wooden spoon, giggling. "Oh is my little boy up? Hm?"

Tendou gasped and looked up. "Hi Papa!"

"Hello my love." Ushijima sat down on the floor with him. Out of all of his toys he picked the kitchenware. "What's going on here?"

"Playin drums, duh."

"Can we please play something a bit quieter?"

"Nope!" Tendou banged a spoon against a large pot, clanging it happily.

"Honey. Papa has very important work that he need to be doing and the loud noises is distracting. We need to clean up this and go find another activity. How about puzzles? Or possibly watching some cartoons?"

"Toons?!" Tendou looked up in awe. Even in his headspace he slouched and had to look up. "What toons?"

"Hm... Sesame Street? We love Sesame Street."

"No! No more Street!" Tendou climbed onto Ushijima. "How bout Super Why?!"

"Super Why sounds amazing honey. First we clean and then we watch Super Why. Would you like a sippy?"


"I'll put up the pots and you can get me the juice and a sippy."

Tendou did as he was told and waited painterly on the floor as Ushijima put away his mess. Tendou whined. He was going to throw a fit right in front of God and everyone if he didn't get his show soon.

Ushijima poured him the apple juice and carried him to his room, putting him on the bed. "There we go. Let me get the IPad and get you comfortable." Tendou nodded, sippy already between his lips. Ushijima set down the device in front of him and gave him a stuffed bear. "Can you stay quiet for me for a little while love?"

"Mhmm." Tendou nodded and rubbed his eyes.

Hopefully all would be well. Ushijima had to join an online meeting with some of his closer colleagues so everything would be okay. They knew that Tendou regressed because of an accident at a work function that Tendou had gone to and were quick on their feet to help and comfort whenever needed.

Tendou hummed to his show softly, something he wasn't under control of yet. Ushijima ignored it and joined his meeting. He noticed Tendou's IPad in the corner of his camera and turned. "Back up just a bit love."

Tendou did as he was told and relaxed into the headboard. The meeting was going to take a while so when Ushijima started to notice Tendou getting restless he looked around for something else to do.

"Excuse me for a moment, I need to mute." Ushijima turned off his mic and turned. "Satori how about you change the show or play a game?"


Ushijima smiled at him and turned back around. The distraction lasted maybe five minutes before Tendou crawled to the edge of the bed and then over to Ushijima. He was in full view of the camera, which was safe with these people. "Hello honey. Do you need anything little one?"

Tendou held up his sippy cup.

"More juice?"

Tendou nodded. He sat on the floor and sighed heavily. "Bored."

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