Bubba - Atsumu

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Regressor: Atsumu
Caretaker: Osamu

Three weeks. Three whole stressful weeks had passed since Atsumu had been able to slip into little space. He hadn't gotten a single chance until tonight to regress and it was making him frustrated.

"Atsumu! I can hear your huffing and puffing from here!"

Atsumu looked up from his phone, frowning. His brother was in his apartment, laying on the couch with a container of takeout. "Osamu!"


"Come here!"

Osamu left his comfort and leaned against the doorframe. "What's all this?"

"I can't get little."


Atsumu huffed. "I thought since mom wasn't home I was going to be able to do it but I guess I'm too stressed."

"Go get your pajamas on and I'll get your toys."

"That's the problem though, I can't find them and I need them." Atsumu huffed. "I just want to be little."

"I know, I know. Go lay down bub. I'll try to find everything." Osamu helped him up. "Come on, it's okay."

Atsumu kept whining and huffing. He must not have realized that he was already halfway towards his headspace.

"Hey, want some juice?"


"Of course Bubba. Go lay down."

Atsumu grabbed his favorite blanket and laid on his bed. Osamu came back with a bin of stuffed animals and toys. He pulled a pacifier out of the bin and held it out.

"You wanna put on your pjs for your big brother? We can have snuggle time and a story." Osamu bent down and smiled. "Doesn't that sound wonderful lovebug?"

Atsumu smiled bashfully. His fussy nature slowly went away and he clung to his brother as he was changed. His paccy was popped between his lips and he tucked himself into a corner, playing with an action figure. Osamu held him close and rubbed his arm.

"You still feel stuck bub?"

"Lil bit. Just want to be tiny," he whispered. He whined loudly. "Make me little!"

Osamu rolled his eyes and hefted him up. "Let's go get you some food."

Atsumu was taken to the kitchen where he sat in a chair and watched as Osamu found a glass bottle of baby food. Atsumu opened his mouth. "Yum!"

Osamu leaned down and tapped Atsumu's nose. "What do we say Bubba?"


Osamu smiled. "Good boy." He gently spooned the applesauce into Atsumu's mouth and rubbed his hair. "You are being so sweet for Bubba! Yes sir you are!"

Atsumu's mind fogged completely. He giggled. "Is super duper good!"

"That's right! Good boy!" Osamu held up the spoon. "Here comes the airplane!"

Instead of taking the treat, Atsumu flung himself backwards as he giggled. He kicked lightly, overcome with giddiness. Osamu laughed and tickled his sides.


Atsumu grabbed onto Osamu and licked his cheek.


"Hehe you jus like Daddy."

"How is that?" Osamu questioned as he spooned more applesauce into Atsumu's mouth.

"Daddy don't like licking."

Osamu hummed. He eased another bite into Atsumu's mouth. "Swallow bub." Atsumu stared before sticking out his tongue, the applesauce slipping out of his mouth and onto the floor. Osamu sighed. "Atsu..."

Atsumu looked around. "Where daddy?"

"He's at his house." Osamu wiped up the sugary substance and got Atsumu to eat his next bite. Every other bite was promptly slid into the floor, which was gross but Atsumu found it funny.

"I want daddy."


Atsumu grabbed the fire poker and screamed as loud as he could.


Atsumu held out the metal. "Here ya go."

Osamu huffed. He set down the poker. "Do you want me to call daddy?"

Atsumu nodded and climbed on the couch. He stood up and just giggled softly. Osamu eased him down into his lap and rubbed his back. With his other hand he found Sakusa's number and called him.

"Hey Sakusa Atsu-"

Atsumu grabbed the phone and ran off to his closet. "Daddy!"

Osamu chased after him and squeezed in the closet. "Bubba please stop taking my phone."

"Is daddy!"

"I see that Bubba."

He screamed and showed Osamu the screen. "Oomi!"

Osamu eased him out of the closet. "Let's show him how clean you are! Let's go brush your teeth."

Atsumu ran ahead and got situated. He pointed to the counter. "Up."

Osamu lifted him onto the counter. "Someone's excited."

Atsumu grabbed everything he needed and Osamu stood between his legs, brushing his teeth for him as Atsumu hummed around his brush. Sakusa just groggily watched him, smiling. "Oh sweet boy..."

Atsumu spit into the sink and waved to the screen. Osamu got a washcloth. "Poor thing was getting fussy because he couldn't get little. Isn't that right?"

Atsumu yawned softly. "Yeah!"

"Arms up so I can get you up."

Atsumu lifted his arm well above his head and Osamu hooked his own under his arms, carrying the little one to his room and setting him down. "Can we stay put?"


Osamu nodded and went to get his phone, grabbing a story book on the way. He laid down with Atsumu, cuddling up. "Hey Bubba."

Atsumu waved to the phone where Sakusa was half asleep. He himself was struggling not to fall asleep, little yawns slipping past his lips. Osamu whispered a story to him until Atsumu whined about juice and he was given his sippy and a new stuffy.

He turned over and huddled into the chest of his big brother. Atsumu was sound asleep within minutes, small whines still coming from him. Osamu just rubbed his back and fell asleep. What a sweet kid.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2022 ⏰

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