Kitty - BokuAka

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Regressor: Akaashi
Caregiver: Bokuto

Akaashi trailed behind Bokuto, his head feeling like it was fuzzy. All day they had been trying to get him to regress fully but his body just would not allow it. They'd gone shopping for stuffies, gotten candy, listened to calming music, tried to nap, and even tried baby stimulation games. Nothing was helping Akaashi slip out of his in and out state.

Bokuto looked back and smiled. "Are you tired hun?"

Akaashi shook his head.

Bokuto hummed. "Do we want to try again?"

Akaashi whined, nodding. "Mm stuck."

Bokuto pulled him a bit closer. "It'll be okay in a moment sweet boy. We still feel like going between big kid age and three?"

Akaashi nodded. He felt fussy and wanted to sleep but his body wouldn't even let him do that.

Bokuto pointed to a bookstore. "I did need to get Roro a new book. Wanna go find yourself a book?"

Akaashi nodded. Bokuto led him inside and pointed to where the little kid section was. Akaashi went to the little kid books, silent. Bokuto walked off and Akaashi quickly followed him. "No leave."

"Gotcha." Bokuto let Akaashi follow him around, knowing Akaashi didn't need to be watched. Akaashi eventually felt his mind start to relax more and more until he was stood still, staring at a Pete the Cat book.

He huffed quietly. "Papa...?"

Akaashi turned, holding the book. His heart sank as he realized Bokuto wasn't by his side. He looked around and there were shelves of books in all directions. He started to tear up, holding his book closer.

Someone touched his shoulder and he turned around hurriedly, startled. Kuroo looked over him and realized what had happened. "Hi there little one... what are you doing by yourself?"

"W-wants... papa..." Akaashi clung to Kuroo's hand. "Just need itty bitty books cause brain was so big and no more papa..."

Kuroo nodded. "Stay right here Keiji. I'll go find papa."

Akaashi nodded and watched Kuroo leave. Within minutes he was back to trying to find things to hold. He found the children's section and sat in the largest bean bag chair he could find.

He grabbed more books and held them close. An hour passed before he saw a glimpse of Bokuto's hair above the shelves. He whined loudly.

Bokuto walked into the children's section and spotted Akaashi. "Oh honey..."


Bokuto leaned down. "Did you find some good books?"

Akaashi held up his Pete the Cat book. "Button."

"Oh that's right love. He does look like Button." Bokuto gently took the book. "You just want this one?"

Akaashi looked around and pointed to an ABCs book. It also had a cat on the cover. "Kitty."

Bokuto smiled. "I'll get you a book about kitties from the big boy area too."

"Wit pitchers?"

"Of course!" Bokuto eased him to stand and had him follow him again. A few minutes into looking for a picture book he turned around to see that Akaashi had wandered off again. "Oh god..."

Bokuto walked around a bit, sort of wandering so it seemed as if he were calm. He spotted Akaashi's sweater and hurried over. Akaashi had squeezed in between shelves, holding all three books he wanted. Bokuto smiled.

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