Chapter 10: Eye of the Storm

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The Danger Rover flew through the sky as they came across their destination.

Poor Needleworks had been tormented with horrendous weather.

The wind blew in all directions.

It tore up the trees and the pasture, making grazing impossible.

Asuka had to take the vehicle out of flight mode in order to prevent it from being thrown. However, even on land it wasn't very steady.

Lightning flashed everywhere and the Fairy Tail wizards could see the ground was soaked. A hazard for four-legged animals that couldn't swim.

"Wow. My dad would like it here. And my siblings. Oh, and possibly my mother," Raiden commented.

Nobody objected.

Soon enough, the temporary team of five got to the entrance of the town. The base of the houses were stone and everything else was oak wood and shattered glass windows.

The Danger Rover would have gone into town, however, all of the streets were chock full of sheep! They baaaaed, pawed at the ground, and shuffled around.

The villagers were doing their best to keep their flocks from dying.

"Wait here, Little Scales," Metallico instructed.

He and Asuka got out of the Rover and walked towards the houses.

"Did he just call us Little Scales?" Skyler asked.

She and her teammates exchanged glances with pangs in their chest.

Suddenly, Raiden's door was opened by Metallico.

The wind howled and blew his greased blue hair in all directions.

"What the hell are you three doing?! Let's go, we have a job!" he yelled above the wind.

They were confused, but they followed the Iron Dragon Slayer's instructions.

Jace was about to get out when he was stopped.

"No! I said Little Scales needs to stay here!" Metallico instructed, pointing at him.

The seventeen-year-old blinked.

The twenty-six-year-old groaned.

"I'm talking to that beautiful scarf of yours! It's gonna get blown away or torn apart!" he hollered.

Jace looked down at Blake, calmly wrapped around his neck and chest.

"I think he's talking to you," he muttered.

The olive snake hissed with sadness, but slid off of the Poison Dragon Slayer.

Metallico nodded as he pulled the teen out and shut the door.

"His name is Blake!" Jace cried.

He jabbed a finger at the scaly companion curling up on the seat.

"Yeah! I know! That was his nickname as a child!" Metallico yelled.

Jace stared at him.

Metallico shook his head.

"Let's save some sheep now so we can talk this over roasted mutton later!" he ordered.

The Poison Dragon Slayer looked at the Lightning Dragon Slayer, who shrugged.

The poor Sky Dragon Slayer was trying to keep her dress skirt from lifting up too far.

Raiden patted her shoulder and guided her.

Jace stood in front and listened for anyone who might try to ogle.

Fairy Tail Adventures Await Volume 1: X820 [Edited]Where stories live. Discover now