Chapter 19: Secrets

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Fairy Tail Guild Hall

"Alright, listen up you brats! I'm only going to say this once!" Master Laxus thundered.

Everyone halted their actions and turned their attention to the ninth guild master.

Team Trials burst through the doors just in time.

"As a reminder, the Grand Magic Games are in three months. In order to select the members of this year's team, we will be doing something a little differently! Instead of randomly choosing people, in ten weeks, Fairy Tail will be hosting a trial! That is all I will say about it!"

Fairy Tail cheered with delight.

"Rosemary, where's Reiki?" Erza questioned.

Rosemary shrugged.

"I've been training with Trials all morning! We're gonna try out for the Grand Magic Games again this year!" she explained.

Her brown eyes sparkled.

Erza smiled.

"I'm sure you'll do your best. Would you mind looking for your brother? He missed the meeting even though I told him about it," she requested.

Her daughter nodded eagerly.

"I have two guesses as to where he is!" she said.

"Excellent. Thank you, dear," Erza said with a warm smile.

Then her face turned serious.

"Also, tell your brother to come home for dinner tonight. Your father and I have something to discuss with you two," she stated.

Rosemary frowned and blinked.

'Is this about what I told Mom last week?' she wondered.

Then she got a text.

From Reiki!

Hey, Little Rose, where are you?

I'm at the guild hall. Master Laxus told us about the

Grand Magic Games tryouts in three weeks.

I see. Are you free? I have a few things

I want to discuss.

Yes I am! Mom actually asked me to come find you!

Haha what a coincidence. I'm at the

picnic hill. Mind meeting me there?

Not at all! I'll be there shortly!

Perfect. See you then.

"Well, I'm off, Mom! I'll see you tonight!" she said.

Erza smiled and nodded.

The sixteen-year-old found her teammates and briefly explained what was happening.

Then she dashed out of the guild hall.

"Big Brother, there you are!" Rosemary called jogging up the hill.

Reiki turned around and smiled.

"Hey, Little Rose. How are you?" he asked.

She slammed into him with a hug.

He tightly embraced her in return.

The top of her head reached his chin.

"I'm great!" she exclaimed.

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