Chapter 20: Unfinished Healing

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Calypso started jogging in the Dimension.

Eleodoro followed her, ever mindful of the delicate six-year-old.

After roughly twenty minutes, Calypso stopped. She looked down, and saw that they were outside of Magnolia.

"Oooh Magnolia looks gorgeous!" Eli exclaimed.

"True, we've never seen it," Cal noted.

"We should walk through it! Maybe give Saiya and ourselves some fresh air!"

Cal smiled.

"Good idea, Eli."

She held out her left hand. In a rainbow flash, the trio was right outside town.

Eli grinned as he walked forward. His blond spikes bounced with every step. A light hum sang in his throat. He whipped his head around at the various sights.

"Wow, there are WAY more flowers here!" he exclaimed.

Cal bobbed her hooded head as she walked by his side.

"Mhm. It also seems much livelier. Geographically, I believe Magnolia is lower in elevation compared to Sabertooth. As such, their winters are shorter and less harsh," she added.

"That's super neat! Not to mention Fairy Tail is just wild and unpredictable!"

"Mhm. That's also truth," she droned.

"I'm guessing that's the guild hall," Eli said, nodding ahead.

Cal looked up.

The building was three stories tall with a golden bulb at the top. A huge orange flag with a white emblem hung from the third floor's roof. Over the rounded, red doors, sat a giant wooden sign with "Fairy Tail" engraved in them.

"If that's not it, then my whole life has been a lie," Cal said.

They were a few steps from the door when it burst open!

"Yeahhh!! Another exciting and destructive quest!!" a middle-aged man howled as he ran past them. His cherry blossom spikes rushed back in the wind along with his white, scaled scarf.

"Aye sir!" a blue Exceed cried.

"Oi! Hot Air Balloon! At this rate you'll be in space and unable to come down!" a naked middle-aged man shouted. His dark spikes lightly bounced as he dashed out the doors.

The cherry blossom man dug his sandaled feet into the ground and bared his four prominent canines.

"What was that Coldsicle! At the rate you're going you'll be too frozen before spring comes!" he declared.

"That makes no sense! It is already spring! It's April 25th, in fact!"

"You're gonna make Erza mad," the blue Exceed whispered.

"Both of you! Stop it!" a monster shouted. She stepped outside the doors. Her armor and scarlet hair shone in the afternoon sunlight.

Behind her were two middle-aged women. One had blond hair in a ponytail, and the other had loose, dark blue hair. Hovering above them was a white Exceed.

The men halted their argument and looked back. As they did, they caught sight of Cal and Eli. Upon recognition of the duo, they all braced for a fight. Cal and Eli looked back and forth between the groups.

A wind blew through the area.

"Oi, you're the Heavenly Twins from Sabertooth, aren't you?" Natsu growled. He lit his fist on fire.

"Aye," Happy said with angry eyebrows

Eleodoro faced the group of men. He grinned and waved with one hand.

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