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"Some say the world will end in fire,

Some say in ice.

From what I've tasted of desire

I hold with those who favor fire.

But if it had to perish twice,

I think I know enough of hate

To say that for destruction ice

Is also great

And would suffice."

—Robert Frost

Abigail had only been back for a couple of weeks and yet the place was looking more like a home already. She had set up furniture, she'd hung pictures, she'd filled the kitchen with pots and pans. She had showed me how to bake the perfect cherry pie, upon Arthur's request. I watched how she chased after John and wondered how he'd ever managed without her, I saw how her eyes lit up when she looked at him and realised, he would likely never have too again.

It took him almost no time at all to propose to her. He'd held onto an old ring of Arthur's that he had once given to Mary Linton as a promise. Upon trying to hand it back, Arthur had told him that he had no use for it, whereas John finally did.

With life finally seeming to settle on the ranch, Arthur and I decided it was time to get back on the road. We still had those same dreams as eight years ago, dreams of finding a spot of land, of building something for ourselves as John had here. Maybe a ranch just like it, where we could work for ourselves instead of another Lemuel Richardson. We had begun the process of packing, knowing that it would only be more painful to stick around to do so after informing the others of our plan. Whilst I was shoving my most precious belongings into a carry bag, the thundering of hooves vibrated the dry ground. I stuck my head of the tent to see Sadie and Charles, wearing stony faces. I threw the bag aside and ran to meet them by the front of the house where John, Arthur and Abigail stood with apprehensive expressions.

"I found him." Sadie said, jumping down from her horse. "I found Micah."

"No." Abigail jumped in, shaking her head, staring at John with wild intensity. But he was paying no attention to her.

"I got a lead. One of his boys is wanted for murderin' a woman."

"Which of his boys?" I asked, stomach twisting in anticipation.

"Cleet, he been seen drinkin' in Strawberry. If we can get to him before he dries up, he'll lead us to Micah. But we gotta go now, you comin'?" She said, fire ignited within her.

If Cleet was still running with Micah, then Joe surely wouldn't be far behind. It was only a possibility, but a possibility was all I needed.

"No, he's not comin'!" Abigail cried, hand flying to hold onto John's arm. But he still wasn't listening, I could see the gears turning in his head, his mind was already made up.

"I will." Charles said, eyes flicking over to me momentarily.

"So will I." I said. I felt a firm grip on my elbow and looked around to see Arthur, pulling me aside from the others, face like a storm. "What in the hell..."

"Are you out of your goddamn mind?" he hissed, letting go when I pulled back from his grasp.

"I'm goin', Arthur."

NOTHING GOLD CAN STAY: RDR2Where stories live. Discover now