Chapter One

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        Lynx's P.O.V.

        "Bye mom, dad!"  I run at the barrier and brace myself.  Even after four years it still trips me out.  I run through and get as far away from it as possible before the rest of my family comes through.  I mean, Draco and Lyra aren't that bad... unless they're around mom and dad.

        I lug my trunk onto the train with my cat's cage in the other hand.  I find an empty compartment and put my trunk up in the luggage compartment.  I let out my cat, Buffy, and she jumps onto the seat, stretching out.  Her white fur completely contrasts with my pitch black hair but matches my pale complexion pretty well.  And her eyes are blue just like mine.

        I sit down and grab a book out of my immediate bag.  It's a muggle book that my best friend, Pippy Markson from Ravenclaw gave to me.  It's called The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe.  It's about a magical land called Narnia.  I wish I could go there.  I bet life is nicer there than in this world.  Why couldn't I be as lucky as Lucy and find a passage through a wardrobe?

        Not long after I start reading somebody opens my compartment door.  The person walks in and stop talking.  "Sorry to interrupt you, I'm sorry.  But, have you seen Dr-"  it's Pansy Parkinson.  "Never mind.  I'm not sorry.  But have you seen you're... brother?"  She hesitates before saying brother. 

        "Yeah, before I got onto the platform.  Go fuck yourself Pansy."  She looks offended and she stomps off.  I can be nice to a lot of people, but ask me to say something to Pansy without being rude I can't , it's like impossible.

        "Lynx!  There you are!  I was starting to get worried I wouldn't find you."  Pippy walks in to the compartment and sits down across from me smiling.  "I see you like the book!   Good."  Okay, I may have forgotten to mention, she's like always happy.

        "Yeah, I like the book a lot.  If you don't mind Pip, I was kind of trying to read it."  I sigh and close the book putting it in my bag knowing that she would just keep talking.

        She rolls her eyes and starts talking.  And she doesn't stop until my brother opens the door.  "Hi..."  He says scratching the back of his head, "Hey um sis.  Could I talk to you?"  I nod and stand up gladly getting away from Pippy.  She was cool and all, it's just after Summer Vacation, she got a little crazy and would never stop talking.

        Draco leads me to a secluded part of the train and leans against the wall, "It's something dad told me...  He told me not to tell you, but I can't just let you enter the year unprepared.  One small slip up and their disowning you.  Also, well... You know how You-Know-Who is back?"  When I just nod he keeps talking, "Well, dad wants Lyra and I to join him..."  Draco stops.  I wait for more but he doesn't deliver.

        I open my mouth but I can't seem to form words.  I feel tears forming in my eyes.  Not for the fact I'll be disowned.  But, Lyra and Draco can't become Death Eaters.  They just can't. 

        I choke out the words, "You can't."  and I sink to the ground.  Draco sinks down across from me and looks at me. 

        "I have too.  But, I think I would feel better if you well... got disowned."  He says.  My eyes widen and I open my mouth again but can't seem to form words. 

        "Listen.  For your own safety.  You wouldn't have to worry about our parents trying to make you a Death Eater.  It would be great to know you're safe.  If I can't have both you and Lyra safe.  I, being the older brother, take full responsibility of making sure you aren't harmed.  I love you and Lyra-"

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