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august, 8:00 am

y/n's condo

↬ "UGH! It's too early for this," You groan as you look at the clock next to your king-sized bed. You decide to finally get up for school, sleepily roll out of bed, and make your way towards the bathroom to do your morning routine.

You lived alone with your harlequin Great Dane named Rudy, so you didn't have to worry about dirty roommates, or sharing your favorite cereal with someone. You were at peace with being alone, but sometimes it didn't hurt to have company around.

(your bathroom, bedroom, & living room/kitchen)

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(your bathroom, bedroom, & living room/kitchen)

You were in the middle of your closet debating what you were gonna wear, "since it's the first day it doesn't hurt to look good, right?" You questioned yourself, not always feeling certain about the right outfit. Then suddenly your phone makes a noise.


New iMessage from: Snakey <3

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You chuckled at the messages between you and your closest friend, Obanai, he always had a way of making you laugh unintentionally. With that being said, you rushed to pick out an outfit, so you wouldn't be running behind like usual and not feel the wrath of angry Obanai. Your hair and light makeup were already done, the outfit was all that was left.

Your fit was just right for the first day. You wore a white graphic tee, with baggy ripped jeans. Along with your favorite white pair of sneakers. You never really liked to stand out, plus it was super comfortable as your classes were spread far apart on campus which meant lots of walking, unfortunately.

You were admiring yourself in the mirror, "damn I look good." You were entranced in your thoughts until they were interrupted by your phone dinging, signaling Obanai must be outside. You grab your ID along with your house keys and wave goodbye to Rudy as you run out the door to see Obanai in his yellow Lamborghini Urus. You immediately hop into the passenger seat.

"Wow" Obanai commented staring you up and down as you were putting on your seatbelt. "I know I look good, no need to stare" You chuckled replying to his comment.

"Yeah, good enough to be in the dumpster" he responded holding onto his stomach dying of laughter. You were in no way amused by your best friend's antics this morning.

It was currently 10:00 am, both of your classes didn't start till 12, so you chose to get breakfast at IHOP together. You got your (f/f) and Obanai had waffles with eggs, scarfing it down like it would be his last meal.

"Nai you're not gonna get a girl eating sloppy like that" you commented from across the table disgusted.

"Y/n, I eat sloppily in all manners, like when I -"

"OK STOP, no need to talk any further, my innocent ears can't hear this," you looked up at Obanai chuckling and holding your hands over your ears. You loved your best friend, but you just didn't want to hear about his bedroom festivities.

"I hope he'll find his person and not another one-night stand," you thought staring ahead at him laughing at the conversation that just took place. Getting out of your thoughts it was now 11:30 and time to head to campus.

You and Obanai had about the same classes since you were Animal Science majors, except for your first class at 12:00 which was writing. You dreaded it because it didn't have anything to pertain to your current major, but it was a required course to graduate.

Obanai pulls up to campus and parks his car in the garage, you both step out and wave bye as you part ways for your first class of the day. It was going to be such a boring first period without him...

You walk into the building where your class is being held on the second floor, you had your headphones in so it wouldn't tempt others to try to speak to you. As you walk into the humongous lecture hall, you take the seat in the very back like always; it was about 50 students in the class, and seating started to get limited as more students poured into the hall.

"ARE THEY ANY SEATS LEFT? THIS IS SO UNFLASHY," a tall, fit man with white hair announced out loud from the back of the room. You could hear him through your loud music blasting into your ears. You looked up at him with an annoyed face. That's when he came into eye contact with you.

"Well hello there love, is this seat taken?" The man points at the empty seat next to you awaiting your answer, you shake your head no. You were so taken aback by his looks and the word "love," you didn't realize you allowed a very loud person to sit right next to you, the complete opposite of the peace and quiet you wanted.

"So beauty, what's your name? I'm Tengen, Tengen Uzui." You looked up at him and lowly said "y/n." Tengen couldn't hear you, but he could tell you were a tad uncomfortable and wasn't going to push any further. "I'll just wait till she writes her name down on a piece of paper or something," Tengen thought to himself.

You admired Tengen while he was staring off into space, he was definitely easy on the eyes. He had his white hair in a messy bun with some strands coming out the front, two piercings on each ear [like you] and his hands covered in silver rings. His outfit suited his fit body as well, you could tell he worked out often. "He's gorgeous," You thought.

"Did your mother ever tell you staring is rude?" Tengen turned to face you while you had a flustered look on your face. He chuckled at the sight and was about to speak but was stopped after being passed a syllabus handout.

You quickly wrote your name down on the piece of paper: y/n l/n. Tengen knew it was his chance to find out your name, and so he quickly glanced and finally saw it.

"Y/n, y/n l/n. A beautiful name for a pretty soul like hers..."

a/n: whew this was about 1,000 words!

The 1st ch is finally done, the 2nd ch will be released soon.

2nd ch will have a lot more of Uzui in it, dont worry ;)

TYSM for reading, please leave any suggestions <3

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