Incorrect quotes - Part 2 - DELTARUNE

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Mostly chapter two but Jevil is here again cause he's mentioned in it enough and could potentially connected to Spamton in some way so he's here again.

Anyways, onward!

Swatch: Why should I make my bed, when I'm just gunna unmake it to sleep in it anyways?
Jevil: Why should I feed you if your just gunna die anyways?
Swatch: I'll go make my bed-


Swatchling: How would you like your coffee?
Swatch: As dark and as bitter as my soul.
Swatchling, shouting to someone behind the counter: I need one vanilla latte with extra cream and sugar!


Spamton NEO: Why are you on fire?
Addisons : This is just how my day is going


Tasque Manager : Self care is stuff like taking a bubble bath or putting on a lot of make up if you like that, or taking a nice warm nap and stuff like that basically.
Jevil: Self care is the burning heat when rage washes over you. self care is when you feel the bones crack under your powerful fists. self care is the fear in your enemies eyes.
Addisons : Self care is stealing someones birthday cake just to eat the frosting.
Jevil: If you touch my birthday cake I'll make you eat your hands

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