Where ive been.

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Been a hot minute since i posted anything so ill try to explain.

Ill admit i simply lost interest. Im not into most of these fandoms anymore. (Though Rain world and Hollow Knight have still stuck with me and probably always will.)

Ive started getting back into older interests. (Been especially getting back into Paper Mario. So expect to see alot of that mixed into these memes)

I only recently started getting back into writing but I probably wont be posting too many things here. You'll be more likely to find me on ao3. Username is Nuziee.

But that isnt the main reason, feel free to skip this part cause it goes over a lot of sensitive topics.

TW for depression, sh, intrustive thoughts, eating disorders, and just mental health in general. Putting this under a massive space.

For the past few years i was an absolute wreck. I was struggling with alot, depression, unstable friendships, intrusive thoughts, an eating disorder, and gender dsyphoria to list off a few.

Ive only recently started getting treatment, started getting therapy late 2022 (around October) after leaving a pysch ward. (I then admitted to the same ward a few times after. The first one was involuntarily by my parents. The others were all voluntary.)

Things are generally getting better however. I still wont be posting too much (still active on sites like Tumblr.) untill i feel well enough to become active again.


Okay thats done. This is all i found find in my files so this is all youre getting

 This is all i found find in my files so this is all youre getting

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