Chapter 5

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It is almost time for all clan heir and head disciple to head back to their own clan but tonight, is night where everyone get to light up a lantern. Either they do it by themselves or with a friends. Wei Ying decide to do one with Nie Huaisang since the Nie Heir is good with art.

As for Lan Zhan, he is doing one by himself. He thought that Wei Ying might want to make a lantern with him but it look like he is wrong. He look back to see Wei Ying making a lantern with Nie Huaisang, 'I hope he wasn't there when I said all of those thing about him to brother.'

'I am glad today will be my last day here in Cloud Recesse. I don't have to see him every where around his clan,' soon everyone begin to let go of their lantern.

"Wei xiong, I hope I don't have to return back here next year."

Wei Ying chuckle at this, "well if your mark on your final exam is good then you don't have too. I think it is your brother who need to look at it, right?"

Nie Huaisang nodded his head with a worry and sad expression on his face, "I do hate coming back here if Wei xiong and Jiang xiong isn't here."

"Hahahahah you can alway ditch. Just send me a message and I will come get you." Huaisang smile as he nodded his head. The two to look up into the night sky as the lantern drift up into the sky more and more and more,only the candle inside brighten the paper that make it look like a star in the night sky.

So the next morning everyone left cloud Recesse, the place once more become silent and empty without other clan around.

Wei Ying didn't bother to go said bye to Lan Zhan or even see him one last time before he leave. What he hear that day, broke his heart into a thousand piece, something that can't mend it back to the way it is.

Jiang Cheng and Wei Ying only got back for a few week soon the Wen send an invitation to all clan. They want each clan to send their heir and head disciple to Qishan Wen for indoctrination.

(Let's skip the leaving part at Lotus Cove and start at the Wen clan)

Once Wei Ying, Jiang Cheng and their disciple are at the Wen clan, they see that other clan is there too like Nie clan, Jin clan and other small clan as well. The only clan isn't there is the Lan clan.

Jiang Cheng look over at Wei Ying, "Your quiet? Don't you usually ask about Lan Wangji?"

"Ah! Why in the world do I have to ask about him? We aren't friend beside he hate me. So there no need to ask about him," 'yep there no need to ask about him.'

"Wen gongzi is here!" One of the Wen disciple shout loudly so that everyone can hear him.

Jin Zixuan, Jiang Cheng and Wei Ying standing there with an annoying look on their face. Since they don't like the Wen that much, just because their clan leader is Excellency doesn't mean they can be arrogant and mean toward the other clan.

"Wen gongzi have arrive, everyone get in line."

Wen Chao start to say bad thing to the people in front of him. Calling them all dog just because they stand below him and he standing above them. Wei Ying, Jiang Cheng and Jin Zixuan is very piss off that Wen Chao just call them dog.

"Some one bring him over already."

When Wen Chao saying this, everyone turn around to see what is it that he is talking about, everyone beside Wei Ying. "Oi Wei Wuxian is Lan Wangji." All Wei Ying can do is nodded his head, 'Jiang Cheng, I really don't care.'

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