Chapter 15

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When Wei Ying walk into the banquet he see Jin Zixun pushing a cup of wine in front of Lan Zhan, 'why isn't he- Ah I forgot alcohol is forbidden in their clan. I think their rule are boring and dumb. Might as well help him to deal with it,' he walk over to them and take the cup from Jin Zixun hand and drink it.

"There I drink it for him. Are you happy now?" Wei Ying show the empty cup to Jin Zixun to see it.

Jin Zixun is annoyed at how Wei Ying just come walking in just like that, "Wei Wuxian, when did you arrive?"

"Just now. I want to have a word with you, Jin gongzi."

"You have to wait until the banquet is over."

"How long do I have to wait?" Wei Ying asked with a angry tone in his voice.

"3 to 4 hours. Maybe even until tomorrow."

"I will not wait that long, I'm afraid." Wei Ying is getting angry by the minute.

"Even if you can't, you still have to wait."

"Fine, I will not wait for your pathetic excuse Jin Zixun. I will said it here then." Lan Zhan who is sitting next to a standing Wei Ying, he look up at Wei Ying with a worry expression on his face.

"Jin Zixun, do you know someone by the name Wen Ning?"

Jin Zixun can only said, "no, I do not know anyone by that name." He turn to Lan Zhan trying to get him to drink another cup of wine again.

Wei Ying continue talking either Jin Zixun like it or not, "I think you know who he is because you and your disciple were chasing the remaining Wen in Qishan. The one who was leading the group is him."

That is when Jin Guangshan show up, he pretend to be all nice and kind to Wei Ying but  he know what kind of person Jin Guangshan is. He said that Wei Ying is rude because he bragging into the Jin private banquet.

"My apologies for disturb your private banquet, Sect leader Jin. However,  there is a group of people that Jin gongzi took away there is a person who save me and the Jiang sibling. I will not sit back and watch my savior been tortured by your clan, Sect leader Jin."

Jin Guangshan will do anything to keep Wei Ying here, he even want Wei Ying to hand over whatever it is that Wei Ying have with him.

"I am sorry Sect leader Jin, I don't have time to sit down. This matter can't be delay, I want this solve as soon as possible."

Wei Ying know what Jin Guangshan will said next. He want to sort thing out, "What sort of thing are you talking about?"

Jin Guangshan want the object that Wei Ying have inside of him.

"What object are you talking about? I don't have any object with me." 'Even if you see it or anyone see it, I will not hand it over to someone as  greedy as you.'

"I am sure you know."

"Let me ask you this, did anyone see it? Did you see it? How do you know if I have anything in my hand? You weren't there to fight the war! You were at home, sitting on your throne and mess around with those prostitute! While your son and this one fighting against the Wen!"

"Wei Wuxian! How dare you speak to my uncle like that!" Jin Zixun big mouth shouted at Wei Ying who turn to glared at him.

"Wei gongzi, I don't know what it is that you have but to be kept by one person alone I am afraid that....."

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