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"Midoriya! Oh gosh, thank god it was just you." Y/n sighed in relief, she was faking it.

"Please, call me Deku. Or anything that fits best for you." Deku waved a hand off, pushing down the trash bag on the bin. "Would it mind if I asked what you were doing out here? Hiding...?" 

Y/n blinked than gathered herself, "pfft--me? Hiding? No, no, not at all. I was just running away from all the girl's questions." Y/n explained, sweating. 

Deku mumbled a quiet, "oh" sound. Awkwardness bubbled in the air, they could both feel it. "I should just..."

"Yeah," Y/n nodded, scratching the back of her neck. She couldn't do it. Why must she spy on this innocent boy? Deku left Y/n alone. The sun setting, and birds dying down. It felt like forever when she was just standing there. 

"Uh--hello there." A voice interrupted Y/n's thoughts. The voice was velvet and angelic, deep but comforting. Y/n snapped her head up to see a beautiful boy. The sunset was reflecting his features which made him even more attractive. Who is he? Y/n couldn't recognize the face, she knew she saw him somewhere but where and when?

"Hello?" The boy moved his hands across Y/n's face. She spaced out again. 

"Oh! Um... sorry. I was spacing out, wasn't I? Sorry." Y/n muttered, looking down at the ground. Who is he? What is he doing here? "Have I seen you somewhere before? I feel like I have but I can't--"

"I'm sorry? You don't remember? We've met yesterday, at school. I was eating across from you at lunch." Todoroki stated, confusion and disbelief written across his face. "How could you not-...?" Todoroki trailed off. No girl ever forgets Todoroki Shoto. "Ring a bell?" Todoroki stared down at the h/c-haired girl in thought. 

"Oh...Oh! Yeah, yeah, I know who you are. Your the number 1 son." Y/n exclaimed, finally looking up at Todoroki. 

This girl is a strange one. Interesting. "Just, number 1's son? Nothing else?" Todoroki pressed on, trying to find anything else but "number 1's son." 

Y/n shaked her head. "I don't know much about you so I can't really say anything else." Y/n shrugged her shoulders. Staring back at the strange colored hair boy. "One more thing...Is that your nature hair color?" Silence. "That was a stupid question—" Y/n muttered under her breath — "hey look at that! The sun's setting, why don't we pretend we don't know each other?" Y/n clapped her hands together, feeling embarrassed, face flushed red like a tomato. "Sound about right, Mr Todoroki? This never happened. I don't know who you are. We. Never. Talked." Y/n walked off without waiting for a reply. God did she just embarrassed herself in front of the number 1's son? Yes, yes, she just did. 

Todoroki was left stunned. Oh, the second-hand embarrassment he felt for her. Was that supposed to be a joke? A joke right?


Y/n got to her dorm in ease. She didn't get stop by anyone and she didn't talk to anyone for help. She set up her room, making it as comfortable as she could. This will be her new home now. 

Knock Knock. 

"Yeah?" Y/n called out, walking to the door. She opened it to be revealed by a boy with spiky red hair and another standing next to him with yellow hair. They were both uniquely attractive. "Uh— yes?" Y/n stumbled back a little. 

"Hello there, my next door neighbor," the thunder-ish boy spoke first. His whole appearance seemed to give away his quirk, lightening. 

"Hello to you too." Y/n hesitated, they look to be trouble, not the kind of villain-trouble but the rebel-trouble, you know? 

"My name is Kaminari but you can call me tonight." He winked at the confused girl. There was a pause before the other hit his arm. "Ow..." 

"Dumbass, that's not what we agreed to—"

"Won't I need your number?" Y/n interrupted. Both boys snapped their heads to Y/n.



They both shouted different things, Y/n winced. She had a very important-serious answer for what she had just said. Not because she wanted to continue the pick up line but because she might actually need his number some day in the future. Reasonable answer. 

"Hold on, there." Y/n motioned a hand in front of the two. "Before you think what you think it's not because of it...I'm the new student and I don't have any of guy's numbers so you're my first "classmate"?" Y/n explained, hoping any of it made any sense. 

"Ohhh, thats also fine by me, as long as I have your number." Kaminari shurgged, passing you his phone. Y/n gladly took his phone and typed her number. That sentence sounds so bad when you put it like that. 

"Seriously?? Are we just gonna—"

"Would you like my number too, Kirishima?" Y/n kindly spoke. Kirishima went quiet before blinking once and the second next his phone was in your hands. Kaminari on the other hand was squealing and jumping everywhere. 

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! I got a girl's number! Oh, how, Mineta will be so jealous." Kaminari rambled on. Kirishima wacked Kaminari's head earning the other to get quiet. 

"There's a reasonable reason behind this, you know right?" Kirishima explained, calmly. 

"Oh, yeah? Then why are you a blushing mess?" Kaminari teased, Kirishima went even more redder than he was but ignored it and hit his friend once more. "OW! That one really hurt." Kaminari pouted. Kirishima rolled his eyes. 

"Is everything alright out here?" Todoroki came out his dorm. "I heard—"

"Look! Y/l/n gave me her number!" Kaminari squealed and jumped in front of Todoroki's face, showing off Y/n's phone number. 

Todoroki squinted his eyes before released a quiet "oh" that somehow reached all the way to Y/n. Kaminari backed away. "Sucks to be you." Kaminari shrugged, feeling somewhat proud of himself. 

"Reminder, Todoroki has all class 2-A girl's number and he didn't even need to ask." Kirishima said, getting back Kaminari. Kaminari jogged back to Kirishima. 

"Awww man! Why do you have to kill my mood all the time??" Kaminari whined, throwing himself onto Kirishima. Kirishima snickered. 

Y/n watched the whole show but her eyes found Todoroki's. She walked up to him. "Sorry about earlier." Y/n rubbed the back of her neck. I guess she owed him an apology. 

"Sorry? Earlier? What happened earlier?" He was playing dumb. Well I guess it wasn't exacly dumb knowing Y/n herself told him to never remember what had happened. Y/n looked at him in eyes. She smiled at him and mumbled a 'thank you.'

"For what?" 

"Oh right. We don't know each other! My names Y/l/n Ito Y/n, nice meeting you." Y/n pulled out her hand.

"Well, then, my name is Todoroki Shoto." Todoroki took her hand into his. He shaked it, nothing else. And there was how they met, not some introduction for school. They shook hands and met for the first time. 


i literally forgot how to write. it's been months since i updated this fic! and it feels so great to be back and start writing. i haven't watched anime in a while, even less my hero academia anime! somebody help me get my motivation back!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2022 ⏰

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