{Chapter 18}

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Arayna's Pov

Outfit for the day

"So let me get this as a summary," Marline blinked in shock, "Within 5 hours, you were able to discover that the Lovegood family line is a descendant from Rowena Ravenclaw. And you are inheriting the title as Lady Ravenclaw, Lovegood, and possibly Ambrosius. Like Merlin and Celestia themselves."

After the revelation I got yesterday from Lady Hecate, I decided to tell the girls in the morning, right now. As we three are going to Gringotts in the afternoon. 

I smiled at her amused, "Yes Mar. We've been over this for 10 times now."

Karina interjected, "But still though, I knew that you're a powerful witch and all. But I never expected any of these."

I shrugged, "I was surprised too. Any point right now in life, I stopped asking myself what's happening."

"Now, if we're done here discussing. I'd like to go to get ready for the morning. Oliver wanted to go on a date this morning. And I'll be meeting you guys at Gringotts, after lunch." I added, before heading to the bathroom.


"So I visited the Library yesterday, and I didn't find you there. Al though I thought you were going to be there."

Oliver stated, while leaning back in his seat, with his arms crossing over his chest. Looking at me with a raised brow.

I looked at him with a sheepish smile, and lied smoothly, "I went back to my dorm, after I found Vesta in my bag, munching a few biscuits. Madam Pince found her, and told me that they weren't allowed in the Library and eat there. So after I found the book, I borrowed it, and read it instead at the dorm"

Which was half a lie, because Vesta always found herself in my bag and eating, so she was mostly at the dorm eating.

Oliver let out a laugh, and a knowing grin appeared on his face, "I knew it. You need to keep Vesta away from food for a while. She's getting fat."

I rolled my eyes, and let out a huff of annoyance, "I've placed her on a diet since last week. All my other housemates, just thinks its amusing to find Vesta on their feed, begging for food. I literally did an announcement 2 days ago at the Common Room, that Vesta's on a diet, and they shouldn't feed her a lot."

Oliver smirked at me, and raised a brow, "She's on a diet? I never knew. Because it looks like, it's not only the Ravenclaws' are feeding her."


"The Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs are too, feeding her. The Slytherins' feed her, is she won't leave them alone or they take pity on her."

I blinked in shock, then let out an annoyed huff, "That's it. I give up. If she doesn't want to walk anymore and too heavy. Let her."

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