{Chapter 20}

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Arayna's Pov

"So young Harry is now in recovery am I right?"

Lady Hecate asked with a knowing look.

I look at her with a raised brow, "I'm sure you know already."

She smiled cheekily at me, "Yeah, right, I do. Now tell me, what you want to learn for today?"

I nibbled my lip in thought, "I know that there's more that just one Horcrux, and it isn't just Harry. Is it?"

She nodded at me, confirming my thoughts, "Tom sadly created more Horcrux, it is 8 in total, but now that the Horcrux in Harry is out, it's down to 7."

I look at her with pleading eyes, "Will you please tell me the other places and what is it placed in?"

"First is Nagini, Voldemort's snake or more likely he's own familiar. Second is Helga Hufflepuff's cup. Third is Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem. Fourth is the Gaunt ring. Fifth is Salazar Slytherin's locket. Sixth the diary is Lucius Malfoy. And lastly Voldemort himself."

I frowned, "This isn't gonna be easy. How will I find them?"

"The cup is in Bellatrix Lestrange's vault. The Gaunt ring is at the Gaunt family shack. The locket is at Grimmauld Place, where the Black family is resided. And lastly, someone has their hands on the diary and its a student, you'll have to find who has it and destroy it."

I look at her in confusion, "The diadem?"

She then just looked at me and smiled.

Then something clicked in me, "Lovegood Manor?"

She then nodded confirming my guess, "Helena wanted the diadem. She stole it from her mother. After the Horcrux was created in the diadem, but she never knew. She went to her sister Haven, and let her keep it. And since then, the diadem was at Lovegood Manor. Hidden with amongst the things of Haven and Caesar themselves. You just have to find it." 

I nodded slowly, "Alright. So I'll tell Griphook about another Horcrux in Bellatrix Lestrange's vault, and let him and other Goblins deal with that. I'll get Karina and Leo to the Gaunt family shack. Marline and John will join Sirius Black -after I get him out of Azkaban- to Grimmauld Place. Then me and Oliver will be at my home, searching for the diadem. Then lastly, We'll have to find, who has the diary."

I then frowned, "But Nagini and Voldemort will have to wait. I don't even know where they reside as of now."

Lady Hecate nodded sadly, "Yes dear. But don't worry, it's only in a few years, then it'll be over."

She then clapped her hands together, "Alright, enough of that. I'll have to teach you now, on activating your seer power and your natural occlumency and natural legilimency."


"Madam Pomfrey

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"Madam Pomfrey. How is he doing? When is he waking up? It's been 2 days." I asked worried.

After the lessons and explanations from Lady Hecate in the morning to Lunch time. Now it's in the afternoon, here at the Hospital Wing, sitting beside Harry's bed. With all my friends and boyfriend around us.

"Don't worry dear. Horcrux is something that involves very dark magic, and by when you discovered this just now, his body is taking time to adjust without another presence. And has only one magical core." She assured me, with a gentle smile. She then left soon, after checking Harry again.

"So how was learning and training with Lady Hecate?" Karina asked.

I sighed, "Its well, how do I say this.. I'm very loaded with information. And incredibly tired after training with her."

They all looked at me with curious looks, then I continued on explaining everything from what I learned from Lady Hecate, and explained my plan.

Silence fell upon us after a few moments.

Marline broke the silence by saying, "So me and John are going to the Black's, with Sirius Black, well after you tell the Ministry his innocence."

I nodded, "Yes. After Lade Hecate explaining to me from what happened in Godric's Hollow. I'll have to find that rat, and if possible probably during the Summer, I'll get a trial for Sirius. And I know that Sirius and Harry -well if he wants to live with Sirius- wouldn't live at the Black's. So maybe Potter Manor would be it."

Leo then spoke, "While Karina and I, will be at the Gaunt family shack? We'll have to research upon that place and what the ring looked like." As Karina nodded in agreement.

Oliver then spoke last, "Then both of us will be at your house, finding the Diadem in a hidden room."

 I nodded confirming everything, "If possible. Will we able to do this during one Summer, and I mean this Summer? We'll just research everything for now."

They all nodded, then Karina spoke, "Now about the Chamber of Secrets. Do you have any idea?"

I nodded, "The diary is apparently owned by Lucius Malfoy. But someone here at Hogwarts has it now, we just need to find who. But luckily, Lady Hecate was able to show me the picture of the diary."


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