{Chapter 24}

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Arayna's Pov

"Hey! Is someone here?"

I asked, as my voiced echoed in a empty room that is in in Hogwarts. 

I came here to Hogwarts to find hopefully the young girl, with the help of the Maurader's Map. Successfully I was able to spot her name in a empty room, by abandoned corridors. But still haven't seen her herself in the room. 

Just then I saw a small figure lying on a mattress on the floor. I slowly walked towards the figure, and I immediately can confirm it is Lyra Shacklebolt-Black. By her looks, she got most of her looks from her father Sirius Black, but I can see features of her mother Azalea Shacklebolt, from pictures I saw from Kingsley. I came here with Kingsley Shacklebolt, Madam Bones and few Aurors too.

Mackenzie Foy as Lyra Shacklebolt-Black

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Mackenzie Foy as Lyra Shacklebolt-Black

(Also will be Harry Potter's Love interest)

"Shit," I cursed seeing her small figure full of bruises and cuts. Incredibly too small for a 12 year old.

I hurried towards her, casting healing charms -Which I was permitted by Madam Bones- and checking for any other injuries on her. Overall she had 2 broken ribs, her leg was sprained, and has a deep cut in her arm. Well at least from what I got for now, those are her injuries, but I have no doubt there will be more. After a couple of healing charms, I levitated her, and left the room, making sure that when I leave, she doesn't hit anything on the way.

While I was here looking for Lyra. Madam Bones, Kingsley -Who wanted to join me but listened to Madam Bones' orders- and a few Aurors went to Dumbledore to arrest him, and will be having a trial in 3 days.

Soon I was able to catch up with everyone at the front of the Castle, seeing the other professors outside too. Kingsley soon saw me approaching, looking at the figure being levitated, with widened eyes and filled with unshed tears.

"Kingsley, I need you to bring us to St. Mungos quickly." I told me quickly, as soon as we were close. The others in the place, looked at Lyra with wide eyes and almost everyone in the place wanted to scream at Dumbledore who looked like a deer caught in headlights. Kingsley game me his arm, and he placed his hand on Lyra's figure, and apparated us to St. Mungos.


"Poor girl.. She was starved for a week!"

My mom stated sadly. Me, my mom, my dad, Luna, and Harry -Whose been quiet since we got here- looked at Lyra who's in a hospital bed. We've been here for 3 hours now. Apparently from what the other healers said, Lyra was starved for the whole week and passed out from the lack of food and water. And I was right. She did have many injuries. Along with the ones I have collected at Hogwarts, she was also been having Chest pain from the age of 7 until now. Spiral fracture, Stress fracture, and had a lot of concussions during her child years.

For now she is doing quite good, after being given a lot of potions for healing. And all her fracture were healed too. But now she's been unconscious, and it will take for at least 2 days, maybe earlier. For he to wake up.

Kingsley wanted nothing more but to throw Dumbledore himself at Azkaban. News spread fast about Dumbledore, and a shocking news about Lyra too and who she is. 

My mom sighed, "I'm gonna get some snacks. Who wants to come with me?"

I shook my head, "I already ate earlier. I'm quite full for now."

My dad muttered, "I'll go with you... I'm in need for food after all of this."

Luna then piques in, "Me too! I'm hungry.."

Harry shook his head after a moment, "Umm.. No.. I'll come back here. But I'm not Hungry, I just need to get something."

Mom, Dad and Luna then stood up and left to the Cafeteria for food. While Harry left for Merlin knows where. While I stayed here.

It didn't take long for Harry to come back... But no with a Black dog?! I looked at Harry with a curious expression.

Harry cleared his throat, snapping the dog's eyes from Lyra, "Padfoot.... Transform back now.."

Then suddenly where the dog was once stood is now a man, wait well not just a man, but Sirius Black. I blinked seeing if what I'm seeing is correct and I'm not hallucinating. 

"What the

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"What the..." I muttered looking back and forth in Harry and Sirius Black.

"How is she?" Sirius Black asked worried, his eyes directly towards his daughter, and subtly asking me if He can move towards her.

I nodded allowing him to get close to her, "She's well... Doing well.. Healing. I'm not sure when she wakes up, but the healers said it can be days."

"Dumbledick! How dare he... Laying a hand on my daughter?! A Black of all people!" He hissed in anger. Pacing back and forth, after looking at Lyra a while.

After a few more minutes with Sirius continues curse words, and me looking at him with disapproval, while Harry looked amused yet worried.

Then Silence

Still Silence

Very tense silence

"She has your hair color, but with Azalea's features." I broke the silence, trying to defuse the tension.

Which was good, as I can see He slumped in a chair, "Yes. She has both my hair and eye color. But with Lea's face structure and everything."

"She's pretty..." Harry muttered, looking at Lyra with a adorable love-sick eyes. 

Sirius looked at Harry and scoffed mockingly, "You may be my Godson. But that's my Daughter. Potter."

I raised a amused brow, "Don't worry Sirius.. Harry isn't like Uncle James when he was with Aunt Lily... Harry's adorably awful at it, especially when it comes to those."

"I take offense to that."

"But he surely got the dramatics."

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