From Masturbation to Texting

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With the final season of Gameboys coming out soon, Kokoy De Santos followed his publicist’s directions in helping the growing host of online fangirls organize larger and more engaging Twitter events. For years he had been the less engaged of the two Gameboys stars as he sought to distance himself from the daily onslaught of overly sexualized comments from the flocks of straight female admirers. Yet as of late he had found himself more willing to participate since one of the fangirls just happened to catch his eye despite his preference for other boys.
Kokoy had kept it a well guarded secret that his sexuality had one distinct deviation from the usual homosexual male’s preferences. There was at least one part of the female body that did, under the right circumstances that is, ignite an even more passionate spark within him than anything else possibly could. It was a secret lust he had carried since his childhood. Having first started even before the rest of his sexuality had begun to materialize. And with if being a cornerstone in the establishment of his sexual identity, it was a compulsion he felt more strongly than any other. Kokoy had for most his life found himself extremely fascinated by the form and beauty of the female foot.
The internet can at times be like an ocean in the sense of how vast it is. You might expect then that any given celebrity is a far larger ship sailing those seas than the rest of us mere mortals. So it becomes increasingly unlikely that at any time their course would intersect with our own except for the off chance of a crash meeting. Yet the internet is also well known for its inability to forget the information we put out onto its waters as we sail along. And in the case of a tiny little boat like Sheila, years upon years ago she had spent most days casting messages in bottles out onto this sea. Bottles containing photos of her elegantly shaped toes and soft soles as she entertained a multitude of male admirers on Instagram as a foot model. One of which had been a unidentified account the now celebrity Kokoy had used to secretly admire those heavenly soles. And all those years later, Kokoy still dedicated space on his phone to pictures Sheila’s toes he had saved along the way. It was the lack of the internet’s ability to forget which had over the past year helped Kokoy connect the dots between Sheila’s past identity to her present fangirl accounts.
Sitting up his iPad on a stand next to his shower, Kokoy pulled up the folder he hid on his devices. Tucking it away inside another, it kept over 200 pictures of Sheila’s long toes and supple soles at his fingertips whenever he felt the desire to experience the majesty of her feet. With a quick check to see to it that the washroom door was locked, Kokoy began to undress as his eyes fixated on the first picture of Sheila’s beautifully pedicured toes. Pulling his shirt off over his curly head of hair, Kokoy kept his focus on the way Sheila’s perfectly shaped nails sat so remarkably beautifully atop her plump, round toes. Swiping to the next picture, Kokoy was glad to see it was one of Sheila’s meaty, soft soles with her long and slender toes spread outwards. Undoing his belt, Kokoy marveled at the multitude of delicate little wrinkles along the arches of Sheila’s soles and the gaps between her toes where he could only imagine what might fit between them. His pants quickly dropped to the floor and got tossed aside near the shirt he had discarded, Kokoy was too captivated with Sheila’s feet to concern himself with placing them in the hamper. He swiped again and found the picture he had been looking for. There before him as he eagerly dropped his boxers was a picture of Sheila cupping her soles together, as if almost holding something between her gorgeous wrinkled soles, with her heels and toes touching while the arches of her feet created a tight but just wide enough gap between her soles. As his eyes traced the outline of Sheila’s soles, soaking up every curve and wrinkle, Kokoy could feel the swelling of his erection coming to its peak. The head of his penis now bobbed in a little rythmatic movement against his abdomen as Kokoy marveled at how wonderfully Sheila posed in that sensual manner. He knew very much what he wanted those tenderly soft soles to be gripping between them.
Rubbing his fingers along the underside of his now stiffly hard shaft, Kokoy licked his lips and leaned a little closer to the photo. Nothing in the world could distract him while he was like this. Consumed by his fantasy of being able to kiss those lovely wrinkled soles. Completely enamored with the dream of sucking on each and every one of Sheila’s plump toes, swirling his tongue around and between them as if to devour them like candies. And most of all, intoxicated with the overwhelming desire to one day feel Sheila’s most perfect feet bring him to completion as he finally got the chance to release upon them this energy swelling up inside him.
Kokoy firmly gripped himself as he started a soft but deliberate stroking motion up and down his penis. He imagined who it would feel to have Sheila playing with the head of his cock as her toes teased it, gripping it much like his own fingers did now. He could see it in his mind as he stared at the picture. The imagined view of Sheila laying on a bed before him as he placed her soft soles on each side of his throbbing penis. He wanted to be the one to control her as he held her by the ankles and began thrusting the swollen head of his cock between her tightly gripping arches. Though he wondered how she would feel seeing him so driven to fulfill his animalistic lust for her feet. Would she want to watch as he used the arches of her feet like a vagina with which he could cum upon? Or would she rather he have her turn over on her stomach so he could cum repeatedly across her long wrinkled soles? It was difficult for Kokoy to believe anyone would ever want this the same way he did. Let alone Sheila.
As happened frequently, Kokoy let his excitement get to him while he looked at the photo ever more intently. His strokes became increasingly vigorous as his breathing grew closer to grunts. In his mind he could still picture Sheila watching as the tip of his penis rubbed forcibly against the bottoms of her feet and peaked up between her toes. In that moment of imagining Sheila’s toes clinging to the head of his cock, Kokoy felt the excitement give way as the pulsing of his penis turned to a large stream of cum spewing out onto the washroom floor. And with it came a large grunting moan from Kokoy as he tried to control just how far his cum sprayed around the room.
This scene had been playing out on a near nightly basis for Kokoy. He found himself needing to masturbate to Sheila’s feet daily, sometimes multiple times a day. It was evident to him that he needed a release for this pent up and hidden sexual frustration. All the photos he had of Sheila’s feet were now going on ten years old. And yet he knew exactly who his foot vixen was. So the nagging inclination that grew in his mind as wiped up his cum and washed his hands was to desire to contact Sheila in some way. While she had long since abandoned the foot fetish world, Kokoy felt there had to be a way he could at get to see her feet again.
Part Two
Days passed and Kokoy found himself increasingly needing more time to himself to fantasize about Sheila’s soles. He would excuse himself from meetings just to sneak a peak at the pictures he kept hidden on his phone. At other times he stayed up late into night scanning Sheila’s Instagram page to see if he could find any pictures of her feet he might have missed. He had by this point even gone through all of Sheila’s Twitter pictures just to try and glean another missed photo of her toes or anything in which her sandal clad feet might appear. It was unmistakable to him on every level that he was completely obsessed with Sheila’s feet and nothing but an actual experience with them could satisfy him.
Early that morning Kokoy decided to tap the like button on one of Sheila’s tweets. The post had absolutely nothing to do with Gameboys or himself in anyway yet Kokoy wanted to try and capture her attention. He was supposed to like tweets directed at him according to the orders from his publicist but this tweet wasn’t close to it. Sheila had posted a new profile picture and shared it to her timeline. It showed only an edited artistic selfie of her face with a pro-LGBTQ frame. Even without any indicator of her feet or fangirl activity, Kokoy still wanted to send a sign to the object of his obsession that he was thinking of her, or at least her feet.
Within minutes Sheila posted a new tweet with a screen capture of the notification that Kokoy had liked her tweet. Captioned “noticed (with a wide-eyed emoji)”, the tweet surprised Kokoy with how fast Sheila had noticed the attention Kokoy had given her. Even more surprising to Kokoy was how quick a thread formed under the post as Sheila and other fangirls talked back and forth in the replies.
Noticing how quick Sheila was replying, Kokoy decided to do something more drastic to make his interest in Zahara more clear. Over the past week he had found several of Sheila’s old posts from several years prior when she had shared her foot page from Instagram onto Twitter. By putting Sheila’s handle and the hashtag “footlover” into the search bar, Kokoy found three posts where Sheila had shared pictures of her feet to her Twitter account. Deciding to only like one for the moment, Kokoy clicked like on a picture of Sheila extending her feet towards the camera so that her silky smooth soles took up most of the frame. It was one he had already saved to his iPad and enjoyed in private several times before.
Kokoy knew that his obsessive fans might take notice of his odd choice to like such a photo, especially one from almost nine years ago, but he wanted Sheila to know that he had an interest in her glorious soft soles. It would just take time for Kokoy to find out if Sheila noticed. At least that was his hope.
Ten minutes went by and Sheila had virtually ceased all replies in the thread. Kokoy noticed she was no longer even liking replies to her in the thread. His heart stopped momentarily as he tried to imagine what Sheila was thinking. Was she just shocked by his like on another one of her posts? It must have been the one he selected and just how long ago it had been made. Did he scare her off?
Another twenty minutes passed before Sheila reappeared in the thread and began to like replies again. Kokoy was relieved but still wondered what had happened. She had practically stopped all activity almost immediately after he clicked like on her feet picture. But maybe it was just a coincidence? It was close to breakfast time and perhaps she had just sat her phone down to get prepared for the day or something along those lines. After all, her comments had not changed and she seemed to be acting normally.
Kokoy decided to take one more step before he needed to get ready himself for the day ahead. He clicked on Sheila’s profile and decided to follow her back. It was a major step and he knew it. His account was limited to only influencers and fellow actors and actresses. By clicking follow he would surely illicit a strong response from Sheila and show her he more than simply noticed her many Tweets about him. This would also allow him to message her privately if ever he could build up the courage to do so.
Sheila instantly posted another screen capture tweet in which she simply posted “OMG” with several heart-eyed emojis. Kokoy’s attention to Sheila was now public. The throngs of fangirls who worshipped him would certainly unleash countless barrages of their own to try and get their own attention from him. And the more jealous among them would certainly begin snooping around where they could unmistakably find his like on Sheila’s picture of her delicate soles. That was when it hit Kokoy that he might have overstepped and exposed his foot fetish to the world.
What should he care if some swooning fangirls started sharing in shock the screen caps of his like on Sheila’s feet photo? If it got out of hand then he could maybe deny it. But surely there wouldn’t be a need to go that far. It was after all an account he was now following. Or would it? Would this be the new “chika” (gossip) for his adoring fans?
It happened. An account with several thousand followers posted on Sheila’s thread a screen cap of Kokoy’s like on her feet photo. The account captioned it “lol wtf?”
Kokoy’s stomach sank in unison with the sound of his watch alarm. He had to get ready for the day as what he was sure would be a Twitter storm began unfolding around his amorous activities that morning, regardless of how innocent it might appear. The wolves would gather and his chances of making his dreams of Sheila’s feet a reality would probably slip away.
Part Three:
The day dragged on as Kokoy’s phone continued to vibrate with updates about the latest obsession of his devoted fans. His publicist had messaged repeatedly throughout the day to try and contact Kokoy asking who this Sheila account was and why he had liked a picture of her feet from almost a decade ago. So it was with some trepidation that Ķokoy decided to open his Twitter and take stock of the mess he had created.
Shock hit him like little needles across his spine as Kokoy realized the fangirl mob had not attacked Sheila, as he had hoped they would not do, but more surprisingly had decided to start a trend of posting pictures of their own feet under the Twitter trend ‘Soles4Koy’. Hundreds upon hundreds of photos of his female admirers’ various soles created a steady stream as his account was tagged in each one. It was apparently the more modern version of star struck girls tossing their panties on stage for their idol. But there was one account that Kokoy deeply desired to take part which was not participating. Sheila had not taken a new photo of her elegant, soft soles or even posted an old photo for the trend.
None of the girls who were posting their pictures had feet anywhere close to how beautiful Sheila’s feet were. Kokoy scrolled down the list to find a Valerie who had slender and soft looking soles but her toes were nothing compared to Sheila’s long toes and plump pads that always reminded Kokoy of lollipops. A Rosie had meaty soles that were wrinkled only because her toes were curled, where as Sheila’s luscious soles had those delicate wrinkles all the time. And a Margaret had almost perfect soles with long toes but still fell short of Sheila’s feet in Kokoy’s eyes. While he felt turned on by the steady stream of sole pictures flooding his mentions, Kokoy just could not find a single one he actually could settle for if he couldn’t have Sheila’s feet. None of these accounts would get the like from him that they all clearly wished for. Something his publicist would come to appreciate.
Opening his iPad, Kokoy kept scrolling the stream of random feet on his phone as he clicked the folder on his iPad where all Sheila’s pictures were stored. Sitting in bed, he could feel the urges creeping up over him. Nothing could distract him from his need for Sheila’s toes. No amount of random girls’ sole pictures could satisfy the cravings which burned deep inside him all day and every night. Opening that first picture of Sheila’s scrunched toes and deeply wrinkled meaty soles instantly sparked a response in Kokoy’s pajama shorts. Standing fully at attention, Kokoy began to touch the bulge in his pajamas as he dreamt of what it would be like to have Sheila there in bed with him.
Rubbing the tip of his penis back and forth, Kokoy swiped the pictures slowly as he stopped to zoom in on each one and inspect every aspect of Sheila’s feet. He had come to memorize the little freckle just beneath her toes on her right foot as well as the one on the bottom of the same heel. That same foot had a slightly darker freckle on the inside of that heel just below the ankle. And he had noticed when she scrunched her toes on that foot the second toe stayed higher up above her other toes than the second toe on her opposite foot. It had been that aspect of her sole scrunching pictures which had always make Kokoy imagine sucking her long toes while she curled them repeated against his face. It was a fantasy he now engaged in as he slid his pajamas down and took his enlarged cock tightly in hand. His fingers once again taking the place of how he wished Sheila’s toes would clinch his penis whenever he wished for it.
Kokoy’s hand slid up to the tip of his cock and massaged the head while he licked his lips and swipped to the next picture. He could feel the throbbing of his head in his palm as he stared at a pedicure picture of Sheila’s toes. The way her skin took on that darker tone on the tops contrasted so well with the bright purple of her toes. Sliding a finger just along the bottom of his penis’s tip, Kokoy teased his cock precisely how he imagined it would feel if those pillow like toes were the ones taunting his pulsating penis to the point of getting wet with excitement. Tightening his grip and pushed down the shaft, Kokoy wondered how it would feel if Sheila used her high arches to manipulate his cock like this between them. Those wrinkled soles tightly clenching his hardened penis between their softness as Sheila used her clearly splendid grip to make him weak as the cum built up inside him. Surely it would be difficult for him to last very long when faced with the touch of her gorgeous feet.
As Kokoy began to speed up his pumping of his cock, he clicked on the album to begin the slideshow on its own. His phone continued to vibrate with new notifications as he leaned back against the headboard of his bed and sighed aloud. The dancing of his penis in his hand felt only like a cheap relief from his overwhelming lust for Sheila’s soles. Yet as Sheila’s photos slowly moved along his iPad, Kokoy was helpless but to bring himself to completion as he marveled at Sheila’s feet. The tingling of a coming orgasm gripped him almost as tightly as he now gripped his raging cock. His steady stroking now a fervent attempt to produce a flowing tribute to the beauty of Sheila’s elegantly wrinkled soles.
Pausing on one of the few pictures he had where he could see Sheila’s face and feet at the same time, Kokoy gave his penis the most vigorous tugs he could as his body reached climax. A robust stream of cum arched high into the air above his lap and sprayed down the bed between his legs as he moaned aloud. Over all this time of becoming ever increasingly obsessed with Sheila’s soles, Kokoy had realized he had never had such incredible nor as large ejaculations as he had produced to the thoughts of Sheila’s feet. He needed her soft soles. And he needed them soon.
Wiping up the mess with the tissue he had recently started keeping in his room, Kokoy decided he would just shoot his shot, so to speak, and message Sheila personally. He couldn’t keep going like this while he believed there was a chance to experience Sheila’s feet in person. Even just the chance to touch her feet would be enough to fulfill at least part of his fantasies about her.
Picking up his phone, Kokoy opened the tab to message Sheila on Twitter. Typing out “hi, I just wanted to say hello”, Kokoy paused a moment as his heart raced. Then he did it. Out of impulse, perhaps still riding the high of his orgasm to her feet, Kokoy sent his first message to an unsuspecting Sheila.

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