Chapter 12

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"Right..something to eat?" Colm glanced across at Maria

"Yeah, where do you want to go?" 

"Umm how about Malahide? We can get take away and have a picnic.

Maria laughed, "We'll probably freeze to death but sure why not?" 

Colm winked at her "Have you no faith in me? I have blankets in the back of the car. 

They laughed and chatted on the way to Malahide. Maria thought back to when she couldn't really stand him, so much has changed since then. Maybe she was a bit jealous of him coming in to the house and taking their stuff but he's definitely proved himself to be a good friend, especially these past few months. 

"You know I got a warning off your Ma" 

Maria turned too quickly and strained her neck "OUCH" 

She put her hand to her neck and rubbed it

"What do you mean a warning? what was she warning you about?

His cheeks reddened a bit

"She asked me if I have any untoward feelings for her only daughter. Even though I assured her no she warned me not to even think about trying anything" 

Maria put her hands over her face, her mam could be so embarrassing sometimes.

"Oh my gawddddd, why is she so embarrassing? We're just friends!" 

Colm laughed "That's what I told her....not the embarrassing part but the friends part." 

They laughed about it the rest of the way to the village. Colm parked the car in the grounds of Malahide Castle and they walked through the park to the take away. He had tied the balloon to the belt loop of her jeans so everyone could see it was her birthday. He laughed every time someone said Happy Birthday to her and she blushed. 

She refused to go in to the take away with the balloon tied to her so Colm went in to order the food. He was laughing as he came back out and handed her a bar of chocolate. 

"That's from the guy behind the counter, he said Happy Birthday" 

Maria laughed and waved in at him "Thank you" 

She grabbed Colms arm and pulled him away. 

"I can't believe you're making me wear this balloon, the badge was bad enough."

"Hey don't complain, it just got you a free bar of chocolate"

They walked back into the park and chose a lovely spot on the bench near the cricket field. It was a nice day, there was a chill in the air even though the sun was shining but it wasn't too bad. Colm took 2 blankets from his backpack and unrolled them. He handed one to Maria and put the other one over his legs. They sat on the bench eating their chips and battered sausage watching everyone walk past. There was dog walkers, some joggers, a group of ladies chatting and fast walking and a couple of parents with their children on bikes  and scooters. When they were both finished their food they scrunched up the bags and went looking for a bin. 

"Do you want to go around the park or maybe we could go out and walk along the beach?" 

Maria looked at him with a raised eyebrow

"I'm not a big fan of the beach, lets just walk around here if that's ok" 

It was getting chillier now, the walk would warm then up a bit. They got half way around and Maria started shivering. As soon as Colm noticed he took his jacket off and wrapped it around her. She insisted that she was fine but he insisted that she should wear it until she heated up a bit. 

"So...have you spoken to Keith at all?"

Maria was a bit surprised at the topic of conversation, she hated talking about him but she answered anyway.

"Not really, we've had to talk a couple of times in class but it wasn't really a conversation. I'd just say what I had to then shut it down. There's nothing he can say or do that will change anything so I don't see the point. I just want to forget about him."

"Are you sure you're only 17?" 

Maria gave him a funny look "What?" 

He laughed and kicked the stone in front of him 

"It's're handling this really well. Way more maturely that I thought you would to be honest" 

This remark got him another raised eyebrow

"No wait, I don't mean it like that. I just mean, you're very mature for your age. You've grown up a lot in the time I've known you." 

"Thanks....wish I could say the same about you" She laughed as he pretended to be hurt. 

"Brat! when do you leave for College?" 

"Jeez, I haven't even finished school and you're dying to get rid of me" 

He laughed "Nah not at all, I just...I think I'm actually going to miss you giving me a hard time...also who's crisps will I steal now? Your Ma is hardly going to buy them now that you're not there" 

Maria rolled her eyes "Using me for my crisps, I knew it...I'm thinking of leaving a week or two before college starts. Just to get a feel of the place, look around a bit before I start college." 

Colm nodded his head "Sounds like a good idea. How are you getting there?" 

"My Da said he'll drive me but you know what his job is like. He might get called in and then I'm stuck without a lift. I'll probably get the train."

Colm stopped and picked up a small broken branch from the ground. He started peeling the bark off.

"I can drop you if you want...what about Vicky?" 

"Vicky is going to stay with her Granny in July, so she said she'll take some of my stuff down for me just in case I have to get the train."

"Oh ok..well like I said, the offer of a lift is there if you want it. I've never been to Cork actually"

Maria stopped in front of him and gave him a quick hug

"Thanks Colm, you're not so bad after all" 

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