Chapter 13

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"Want to go to the cinema?" 

They had just got back to the car on time, it started to rain when they got to the carpark and they had to run to the car. 

"Um not sure if there's anything good there something you want to see?" 

Colm thought for a minute..."no not really"

"Oh how about we get some goodies and watch that new movie on Netflix?" We can have the big tv in the front room. My Ma will be heading to work soon and my Da won't care, he'll probably eat when he gets in from work then go lay down."

Colm slapped the steering wheel and smiled 

"Sounds like a plan....Tesco, Mr Price?" 

"Keith works in the closest Mr Price, so Tesco please" 

"We should go in hand in hand just to piss him off" 

Maria laughed at his suggestion 

"Yeah and then imagine someone else seeing us and it gets back to my'd be murdered before you even got a chance to explain" 

Colm bit his lip and scrunched up his nose

"Yeah...good point" 

They pulled up in the Tesco car park. Maria glanced across at the large Mr Price shop on the other side of the car park. She wasn't sure if Keith was working today but she wasn't taking any chances. 

" what goodies are we getting?" 

They walked into tesco listing off all of the things they were going to get for their movie night. Upstairs in the shop they went straight to the sweet aisle, after that they went to the drinks aisle and finally the freezer aisles where they grabbed some pizza and ice cream. 

It was nearly 6pm when they got home. Maria's mam and dad had just enough time to sing happy birthday and have a slice of cake before her dad drove her mam to work. He gave Colm a look before he left and Maria laughed.

"I don't think he trusts you" 

Colm laughed "Yeah I'm getting that feeling too, first your Ma and now your Da."

They settled down in front of the tv, Maria had put some popcorn into a bowl and brought in some glasses with ice for their drinks. She signed into Netflix and they picked the movie they wanted to watch. Twenty minutes into the movie Marias dad popped his head around the door. 

"Hey you two, just got a call from work. I have to go in for a few hours one of the guys called in sick. Will you be ok?" 

Maria paused the movie and walked to her dad giving him a huge hug.

"I'll be fine Da, thanks but you really need to start saying no. You're working too much and they won't give you any thanks for it." 

He laughed "you're growing up too quickly chicken, I'll say no next time ok?" 

Maria rolled her eyes and laughed 

"Mmhmm, next time. Sure, love you."

"Cya tomorrow chicken, love you too. Colm? can I have a word please?" 

Her dad walked out as Colm followed behind him. Maria laughed to herself as she imagined Colm getting a warning from her dad now. 

When he came back in his face was red

"Um Maria...your Da asked if I would stay the night because they don't want you staying here on your own all night.  Are you ok with that?"

Maria shrugged "Yeah, doesn't bother me. I'll pull the sofa bed out for you in the spare room later" 

He sat back down beside her. 

"Great, thanks"

They had just put the movie back on when there was a knock on the front door. Colm got up to answer it. 

"She's need to leave before I do something that I WON'T regret." 

Maria knew it was Keith when she heard that. She was going to get up when she heard the front door closing. Colm walked back in with a box and envelope in his hand. 

"He said this is for you. Want me to throw it at him? I'm sure I could still hit him, he can't have gone too far" 

Maria laughed, it was the box and card that he had left on her desk today in school. She took them both from Colm as he sat down beside her. She opened the card first and a letter fell out. 

I know you hate me but I just need you to know how sorry I am. I made the biggest mistake of my life that night and wish I hadn't gone out. I've wanted to ask you out since 1st year when I walked into the classroom and saw you sitting there, twirling your hair as you read your book waiting for class to start. 
I only just got up the courage and then I ruined it before I even got to tell you how I really feel about you. 
You're the most amazing person I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. You're kind, gorgeous, fun, courageous and adventurous. You're everything I want in a girlfriend. I'm so sorry that I messed it up. Please find it in your heart to forgive me and give me another chance. 
That girl meant nothing to me, it's you that I love. Please please forgive me.
All my love, forever

She felt the tears drop onto her cheek before she realised she was crying. Colm pulled her into a hug as soon as he realised she was upset. 

"Heyy, shhh, it's ok....don't let him get to you. "

She let herself cry for a few moments before she decided it was enough. She could forgive him eventually but she would never give him another chance. She doesn't do second chances when it comes to stuff like that. She put the letter and birthday card onto the coffee table and left the box unopened. She would give it back to him in school after the Christmas holidays.
She settled back down to watch the rest of the movie, after a while, even though she felt her heart had broken all over again she started to feel better. She glanced across at Colm. He was stuffing some popcorn into his mouth. He must have sensed her looking because he turned to her and smiled. 

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