16. Strawberries and cream (Tobirama)

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It was there the first time they truly interacted.

Judging by how incredibly nervous Merlin seemed, I believed he saw it as a last resort. Merlin had no issues asking others for help, I'd noticed, but he never asked Hashirama. This time, he did.

"Umm, Chef Senju?"

The chestnut man I loved so much stiffened up, but didn't turn around. Maybe, if he'd turned and seen Merlin scratch his head insecurely, he would've warmed up to him.

"I really need help to chop red onion rings to caramelise. Would you mind? I can't do it myself as I'm prepping potatoes and everyone are taken, so..."

Hashirama was quiet for a while, his eyes lost in a memory. I observed them curiously.

"I'll caramelise them for you", he said finally.

Merlin's shoulders slumped in relief, and he beamed.

"Wow, thanks! You'll even caramelise them?"

"Yes", Hashirama said dryly.

"You're a star!"

He was.

I decided to call Hashirama into my office. I wore my white chef's robe with black shoulders, the same one Madara now had. I usually always took it off before going to my office; it's whiteness felt strange in there. Hashirama followed, looking elegant, strong, confident. Everything he was not when Merlin was around. I fucked him, I couldn't help but think about Hashirama, shivering in pleasure. I couldn't wait to explore the man that was now in my office even more. I wondered if he and Maddie had fucked without me. The thought made me insanely jealous. But not in a way that made me desire to stop them; I liked that they liked each other so much. I enjoyed my jealousy. It was all oddly refreshing.

He stood in front of me, arms crossed.

"Is there anything you want to tell me?" I asked him, to-the-point. "About you and Merlin?"

Hashirama didn't look away; he'd known why I called him.

"No", he said simply. "I do trust you. But no."

"I don't ask you as Tobirama", I said. "I ask you as your boss. It is purely professional. I want to help making work for you easier."

"I'm sorry", he said. "I don't want you to think I do my job poorly."

"That wasn't what I meant", I said. "I genuinely want you to thrive here. At the moment, you don't. If I learn Merlin has a background that is not suitable for our kitchen, I must let him go immediately."

Hashirama looked to the side.

"It wasn't like that."

I looked at him sternly, waiting for a continuation but he didn't give it to me. I stood up, walked to him. Not touching him, both of our arms at our sides, I leaned forwards and kissed him. The kiss was tender at first, our lips just nibbling the other, but then got hungrier, more desperate. He pushed his fingers through my hair and I sighed, using my tongue on him. He tasted of strawberries and cream; I'd seen him sneak pieces of dessert into his mouth earlier, a white chocolate lava cake flavoured with strawberries-and-cream Baileys.

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