Chapter 2: Suspicious....

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Annabeth's POV


Percy has been acting suspicious lately... he always has his classic smirk on his face, and he's been avoiding me more than ever. Is it possible that he doesn't feel the spark in our relationship anymore? No! What was I thinking... Percy would never be un loyal, and besides I love him! And I think he loves me. Is it bad for me to think these horrible things? The next day, I decided to talk to Piper about my problem. "Piper! I need some advice!" Annabeth yelled. "What's up, Annabeth? Is it about Percy?" she replied. "Yeah, it's just we never have the chance to hang out, and now he's been avoiding me. What should I do?" "Honey, I don't think he's avoiding you, he may just be being a boy." Piper said in charmspeak. I hate it when she uses charmspeak on me, but it seemed to calm me down this time.

Percy's POV


I'm such a good boyfriend... at least I should be. I planned the perfect evening for her birthday. I'm gonna have Piper tell Annabeth to meet me at a bakery, then we'll go for a ride on Blackjack and spend the rest of the evening in Hawaii. Also I'm planning on proposing, I don't know how yet, but I'm gonna do it. I had Piper help me pick out the ring, and Jason for the gifts, even though he wasn't much help. I just hope everything goes as planned.

A few days later

"Coach Hedge, can I talk to you for a second."

 I figured since he was the only one of my friends who was actually married, he could give me some advice.

"What do you need boy?" he said.

"Can you give me some advice on how I should propose to Annabeth?"

"What do want advice on?" he grunted.

"Well I'm nervous, What if she says no, or thinks it's too soon?"

"All you need to do is speak from the heart, and you'll be fine." he said as he walked away.

Sorry I haven't updated for a while! Hope you like this chapter. Vote and Comment on who should be the maid of honor for the wedding.

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