Anniversary Surprise

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"When you said you loved me

Well, you must've had your fingers crossed-  Fingers Crossed /Lauren Spencer 


Bethany was in San Francisco painting on the beach, one of her favorite places to paint.. so much beauty, so much inspiration.

The cold air was hitting her face while she took a deep sniff of the salt water, hearing the calming sounds of the wave crashing to the shore, as she painted a picture of the scenery in front of her..

Painting had always helped her clear her mind from everything going on around her.. no more problems, no more stress, no more anything..the only thing she could think of while she paint was the creation she was trying to create, it was her own little bubble that helped her escape from everything and she loved it.

She was sure she looked like a complete mess with paint all over her face, shorts and white t-shirt.. hell she wouldn't doubt if she had It in her hair..

She had been there for hours just trying to take her mind off the pain and betrayal she had felt.. but to her if felt like just minutes.. it wasn't until she heard her phone ring that she was pulled out of her almost finished painting, to realize just how long she had actually been there.

"Hey Beth sweetie, I know I shouldn't be calling but in all honestly hun I'm worried" her mom sounded more then worried she sounded damn right frantic I guess Beth could only blame herself for taking off like that, but when you find your lifetime best friend, husband of five years and father of your four year old child cheating on you with a guy none the less on your anniversary you kind of have to get away to take a while to process everything.

Not that Beth had thought anything was wrong with people being with the same sex, she firmly believes love is love for crying out loud her twin brother was gay.. it's just her husband was the last person she thought would be gay, she knew him her whole life after all..

For Beth.. it came as a shock that this was happening to her. Yes her marriage wasn't all ups and no downs but she never thought it was this bad.. she had worked two jobs while James sat on his ass all day long..she had done everything in her life to please her ungrateful husband.. there sex life wasn't that great..after she had there son Cole, he hadn't batted a eye at her sexual.. but not for lack of trying.. Beth did try, she tried with all she could even going as far as getting kinky toys and lingerie But James never seemed to be interested no matter what she did.. she had started to think he just wasn't attracted to her because she had gained a little weight after having Cole so she had started dieting to get her shape back to fix that problem but now she thought maybe it was because she lacked the male thing between her legs.. had he always been gay or had she drove him to it? Can you even drive someone to be gay? She though for about the millionth time today.

She wanted to call brad her twin brother, he would surely have some answers and if not he could always make her smile, but brad was vacationing with his boyfriend Ethan and she didn't want to bring down there mood.

"Momma I'm fine I just needed time to process everything, how's Cole?" She asked her while packing her art tools up.

"Oh hun he pissed.. the kid may only be four but he seems to know just what daddy dear has done.. James has showed up twice and called and Cole is having none of it" she informs her

Beth couldn't help but have a little smile at the fact that her baby boy was on her side even if she knows she'll have to talk to him about it when she got back.. James is his father after all, he can't just ignore him..

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