The brothers

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As soon as he made his way into the bar Aaron spotted his brother who was of course flirting with some blonde he probably didn't know like always. he always had to find someone to take home especially when he got back from a long work trip. Aaron always told him he should wait for his mate but as soon as Austin hit 21 he said he wasn't waiting any longer. Werewolves especially Alphas usually find there mates at around 18 so Austin thought his had died or he wasn't going to get one. He didn't see the point in waiting anymore.

it wasn't until beth walked into the bar that his brother took the attention off the blonde and Aaron knew right away who beth was to his dear brother. He notice right away how Austin lifted his attention from the blonde to smell the air around him obsessively, the way his eye wided as he realized he had just sensed the smell of his mate.

Aaron's wide eye went between his brothers and Beth's who was obliviously talking to her brother. Before he smiled.

"Her names Beth" Aaron said pulling his brothers attention away from Beth. Austin waved the blonde girl away before turning to his brother

"This has to be a mistake, I can't be mated to a human, let alone one with a kid." His brother said with almost a disgust in his voice

For the first time Aaron was disappointed in his brother, to have that kind of reaction to you mate is down right unacceptable, their dad had always told them that the mood goddess always knows what's she's doing and to never disrespect her by not fully expecting there mate that's chosen for them.

"Austin your joking right" Aaron said in a displeasing tone

"I don't think this is your.." Austin started but stop realizing how close beth and her brother have gotten

"Brandon" Austin said taking his hand in his for a shake

"Hey man long time no see, how's the boyfriend?" Austin said again making Brandon's eye contact go to Aaron's right away before it clicked in Austin's mind.. Aaron's was Brandon's mate.. this was going to be awkward as fuck.

"Not with him anymore, should've listened to you and waited" Brandon said slightly laughing while scratching the back of his neck nervously.

Aaron and Beth were both standing there with a confused and conflicted look on there face.

'Was I crazy or do they know something we don't' Beth thought

"Well I pre ordered some drinks for us all, figured with everything going on wed need them" Austin said turning to make his way to the bar

Beth made her way to Aaron when she realized that his brother wasn't going to introduce himself

"Already off to a bad start Aaron he won't even look at me.. If it's that much of a bother I can find somewhere else to stay.. I don't want to make someone feel that uncomfortable" she told him feeling more uneasy about the situation now

"Calm down it's fine, he probably just had a bad week" he said scolding at his brother back. He was going to kill him. Austin would be lucky to have Beth as a mate and he was determined to show him that somehow!

"Come on slow pokes it's time to get wasted" Brandon said waving over Beth and Aaron with a laugh

"He likes you, you know" Beth said before continuing "I've never seen him look at someone the way he's looking at you" she didn't know why she felt the need to tell Aaron but it wasn't a lie and if there was away to make her brother and friend happy she decided she wouldn't be the one to stand in the way of that

"Oh quiet, it's probably something on my face or something" Aaron waved it off

"Or it's your face" Beth laughed as they arived at the bar near the other men

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2022 ⏰

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