Unexpected Invitation

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Beth had gone to meet up with Aaron while her mom watched Cole for her.

She didn't know why but the closer she got to his house the more nervous she had gotten.

Why does he need to talk? What else is there to say about the situation? She started to wonder why she even agreed to this..

Heading up to the Address she had written down on a little piece of paper that Aaron had told her over the phone was his house she turns her car off and looks at the house.

It was huge and Beth had thought about how many people he lived with.

She slowly walked up the long driveway and Aaron came out before she even got to the front door. He motioned her into the house with a welcoming smile plastered on that handsome face of his. Beth couldn't lie about how handsome she knew he was.

With his strong cheek bones and feminine body, surely he was much more curved then herself. His smile was breathtaking as he showed her a set of perfectly straight white teeth and his eye were the color of the deep sea. His skin was sun kissed to perfection and his long golden hair that flowed perfectly. All in all Beth couldn't help but think that the man standing in front of her wasn't just handsome, he was far more beautiful then her.

"So" she asked sitting down in the dinning area Aaron had led her to

"First let me just start out by saying I had no clue about you.. he told me-"" he inched the back of his neck nervously before continuing "well it doesn't matter what he told me the point is I didn't know an you must know I wouldn't have been with him if I knew an i-"

"I know Aaron"beth cut him off from his rambling feeling quite nervous as he passed back and fourth in front of her

"You do?" He said looking up in shock but a little relieved

"I do" she said with a small smile

"Well I called you over here to offer you a place for you an Cole to stay if you need it. Cole already had a room set up and as you can tell there is plenty of room it's only me and my brother who live here and he wouldn't mind.. I know this is a bit awkward but it's the least I could do and well I care for Cole a lot and I just want us to be friends" Aaron had rambled to be honest he was a little nervous about all of this, Beth was intimidating and he really had come to Care for cole in the years and a half he dated James he feared that Beth would cut there ties and that would just brake his heart even more.

Cole was a big reason Aaron had fell in love with James.

Beth thought it over for a minute. She couldn't possibly stay at her mom's house it was already crowded not to mention her brother was moving back home soon and staying with them until he can get his own place, there was no way in hell she was staying at her former home with him.. she could get a hotel room but that might not be the best for Cole.. was she really thinking about staying with the guy her husband cheated on her with?

"I..well I don't know" Beth said frowning her brows together. Logically she wanted to say no..I mean how awkward would that be? But in her heart there was something telling her to stay. Like a inch you couldn't scratch.

"Alright" she said in a whisper

"Great I'm glad you can both stay here as long as you need, no need to pay anything and like I said Cole already had a room set up so you can pick the room you'd like" Aaron replied

"So they have stayed the night before" Beth already knew the anwser but she could help the question slip out before she could stop it

"They have quite a few times" Aaron said looking ashamed

He couldn't believe he had been so blind, when he saw the pictures at James house he had got a weird feeling but when he asked about them James had told him that she had passed.. since Cole never mentioned her and since they've stayed here quite often not to Mention his stayed at James house a couple times his suspicions went away although his brother Aden said he didn't believe a word that came out of James month he had said he could since something he didn't like.

Aaron being stubborn pushed it off as him being over protective but in reality he should have listened to his twin brother who had a keen since of ability of these things since him being a werewolf and all..

Aden wasn't just any werewolf either he was a alpha and alphas can since things from a mile away.. Aaron felt stupid..how will his brother react to the newly found information of James when he had already warned his brother about this many times.

Aaron shock his head his eyes burning from tears that were threatening to spill, he needed support now not I told you so's or I knew it.

"Hey are you okay" Beth said dragging Aaron out of his depressing thoughts

"Im fine" Aaron crooked out before continuing

"You can move in as soon as possible I have already a key made out for you" he rushed hoping that would change the subject

"Aaron your crying" Beth said in a small voice

But when Aaron looked up he saw that she two had red puffy eyes as a slow tear ran down her face and that had just made Aaron feel worse.

He could kill James for what he had done to not just him but to poor Beth who seemed nothing but lovely, not to mention that he had a nagging feeling towards Beth and wanted to protect her, he felt strongly about her and he couldn't put his figure on it.. he shortly wondered if this is what it would feel like towards a mate. He heard everyone he grew up with talking about them even seen them with there mates after they had found them. He almost laughed at himself for the silly thought not only was he human unlike his brother but he was also very gay.. in fact he's never been with a girl before in his life and truth be told the strong feelings didn't feel romantic by nature but more of a brotherly love, but still he wondered he had known guys that were mated to guys and weren't gay maybe this was reversed or something and even though he was human he had wolf DNA from his dad so maybe just maybe the moongoddes gave him the gift of a mate. Even though he's not into girl practically it would be nice to have a soulmate, his other half so he didn't have to get hurt anymore.. he was quite frankly tired of getting hurt and having his heart tossed around like a hacky sack. He was sure if it was his mate then even if he was gay he would come to love her more then anyone just like those guys who were straight and mated to other guys.

"Aaron" he heard Beth's soft voice

"Sorry.." he started

"I..I just zoned out, I'm sorry I have to go but the extra key is hanging on the key ring next to the door it has a baseball keyring because Cole loves baseball, you can pick a room or come back later either is fine with me"

Beth had thought about something to say, she couldn't help this feeling of guilt when she saw Aaron cry.. if she wasn't in the picture he might have had his ever after, she could tell how much he loved James by the hurt in his eyes when he's mentioned, she even noticed the look in James eyes when he looked at Aaron, James had certainly never looked at her like that.

Beth couldn't help but think about how she always ruined everything.

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