| 3 | trouble at the convienence store?

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Y/N's POV:

Days have passed by ever since I heard from Yoongi, nor Jin. The reason behind that was probably the same as why I was crouched down the school library, trying not to have a mental breakdown.

The semester exams had arrived, and I just noticed how little I had payed attention in all classes.
I clung onto my phone in hope to find some life saving study videos on youtube, but my mind was still in the air.

I just couldn't stop thinking about visiting that convenience store again, and wether to text that grumpy musician and ask if we could practice some more.

Only as an excuse of course.

A sigh slipped my mouth as I let my phone down, giving up on the studies,
and watched the people,
rather said their feet and legs walk by.
A great view from under a small library table wasn't included after all.

As if speaking of the devil, a really familiar voice suddenly clang in my ears, and 2 pairs of legs walked by.

"Yah, Namjoon. Did you really drag me here to study? You know i'm busy as it is"

That voice I could recognize anywhere, the voice of our convenience store guy,
Worldwide Handsome.

My Heart began beating abnormally fast, but it was rather because of anxiety, rather than butterflies. I knew being spotted at school by him would mean the end of me.

But that didn't mean I couldn't listen into their conversation. Luckily they sat down pretty close to my desk.

"You know, ever since that breakup you haven't studied at all. I thought you were over Yu ki ?"

It was a firm voice,I knew who it belonged to. Yoongi talked about that guy Namjoon from time to time, and he was known to be one of the top students.

Seokjin answered with a sarcastic tone, "That's exactly why I stopped! I'm good without studying. My grades could be better than yours namjoon-ah"

You could tell that he was laughing to lighten up the mood, and avoid any akward talks.

"Besides, I'm not studying until Hobi comes back tonight"

After that they kept on talking about how Namjoon was going to pick up that "Hobi" together with Yoongi at the airport later on, and how seokjin would wait for the guys after his shift was over.

'So that's why Yoongi wasn't picking up...'
The thought rushed on me while I was Almost dozing off.

But I could take it as the perfect chance, Go to the convenience store and make it seem like I was going to practice anyways, because my identity was unknown, as well as the identity of my producer, who was actually Min yoongi himself.

I couldn't help but high five myself, it was a genius plan.

After the guys left, each going their own way, I made my way over to achieve my own plan now, leaving my exam studies completely behind.

Jin's POV:

After being dragged into the library by none other than our sexy brain Kim Namjoon, I left the campus to start my shift. I hoped that today's work would pass by quickly in order to celebrate Hoseok's return with the guys.

Taking out a few boxes from the supply room, I made it my duty to fill the snack aisle today. It's been a while ever since I did so, partly because of laziness.

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