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[ present time ]
Rose's POV:
The water rushed around my body pulling me farther beneath the abyss. I tried reaching my hand up , terrified not seeing any hand to pull me back to the air my lungs craved. No not like this , I can't die like this. I knew if I opened my mouth , I would not just end up choking on the salt water but also my own blood. Since my arteries would clog causing my blood to clot.

Doctor save me please; I love you. I thought to myself mentally screaming it. I attempted to fight back the water which kept tugging me down harder, but to no prevail I knew the water would soon be victorious at taking my life. My hair floating above my face was its natural golden color but started getting engulfed in darkness. I attempted fighting back the twilight around me thinking the Doctor needs me. No I was just a human what use am I . There a millions more exactly the same, he will move on. He will have to.

[ *whoosh* earlier that day]
Doctor's POV:

We were called in by Torchwood for help for some random alien artifact they found spread out around England. As much as I hated Torchwood they needed my help. Rose tried comforting me by squeezing my hand a little. One of the artifacts was over sees on a bordering island. You had to take a helicopter to get there quickly. "I could go help with that one while the Doctor gets the others." Rose suggested.

The instructor fellow , Tim Hartwell agreed "It may be easier. "No" I barked "way to dangerous and she could get hurt; Rose I will not let you." I looked her straight in the eyes making sure she knew I was serious and she could very well get hurt .

"But Doctor I can handle myself." Rose whined. "I will be fine."
"No you can't and if you go you will not be fine." I said sternly. She seemed hurt I said she couldn't handle herself I was about to apologize when she sprung up.

"When did you become the boss of me? I said I can handle myself and If I need you will call." She hollered and then walked away and the workers let her and she went to the helicopter herself with a pilot waiting for her.

"No , Rose get back here now!" I shouted. The helicopter was already lifting off the ground . I ran after it but it was already to far for me to call them back.

"Tim! I want her and that helicopter back now." I said harshly trying to contain myself. I was jumbled with emotion. I was furious and scared, she was only with one other person who probably won't protect her the way I do and she had refused to listen to me. Does she not understand if we're not together I feel alone and tense wanting to have her with me?
Does she not realize I love her? Do I not express it as much as I should ? Her alone was nothing close to what I wanted. It's worse that's she's with someone who can't protect her properly.

"I'm sorry Doctor there's no time to. We really need to get the other artifacts and I believe she's in safe hands." Tim claimed.

"You believe she is? You don't even know!" I complained. "If she comes back with even a scratch on her. Torchwood will not exist when I'm done." I blurted and walked towards one of the artifacts they already had and examined it closely. "Shape shifters use these." I stammered.


Rose's POV

"I could go help with that one while the doctor gets the others." I suggested. "It may be easier " Tim added. "No" the Doctor said sternly. My bones instantly went still. "Way too
dangerous and she could get hurt." The Doctor told Tim.
"Rose I will not let you." He said sternly looking into my eyes as his brown eyes peered into my soul, nearly making it leave my body. He made himself very clear that I would most likely get hurt.

"But Doctor I can handle myself." I whined "I will be fine."

"No you can't and if you go you will not be fine." The Doctor declared. I was hurt very hurt. The man I loved with all my life had just said I can't handle myself as if I was a dog or better yet wolf he had to keep his eye on. I remembered well I apparently am the BÄD WØLF. And I have said and proved I create myself.

TenRose/TenPetals one shots Doctor Who -COMPLETED-Where stories live. Discover now