The wrath of needles

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The Doctor's POV

"What are you planning to do with those torpedoes?" I shouted, as Jack and Rose stood behind me. Well Rose was behind me but Jack was to my side.

"Doctor why would I tell you that?" Khan sneered.

"What, are, you, doing, with, those, torpedoes?" I asked again, making every word count.

"I've had enough of this charade, haven't you Doctor?" Khan sneered.

"No, not at all. What are you doing with the torpedoes?" I ask again the storm quickly approaching.

"Guards, sedate the girl and lock up the captain. I'd like the Doctor escorted to the bridge." Khan commanded, with a simple wave of a hand to back him up.

"What! No," I shout, whirling around to pull Rose to my chest. Suddenly being met with a gun to my face, and Rose being restrained along with Jack.

All of use had two men holding our arms. Two more having to come and restrain and pull jack away.

Rose cried out loudly causing my attention to turn back to her. A third man held a large needle now empty.

I knew they had to have injected her lower spine. Rose's head was down but she was panicking.

"Give her to me, let me help her!" I beg, seeing tears fall to the floor. Her struggling quickly becoming useless and then stopping all at once.

"It's okay Doctor, just a sedative; nothing lethal whatsoever." Khan encouraged with mock sympathy. My insides where burning, my teeth began to ache because how hard my jaw began to clench down on itself.

If glaring daggers where a real thing, these men would be bleeding out on the floor. I was quickly being ushered out of the room, desperately trying to turn around and grab my Rose.

"Let him go, give him so his companion before he makes a scene." Khan groaned, before I was let go and I gathered Rose into my arms. My hand quickly went to her back, feeling slight blood from the injection. Her head was heavy and the rest of her body was rather limp, typical.

My head snapped up when I could hear the distant screams of our favorite captain. "Bring Jack here too," I order holding Rose protectively to my chest.

"Now now Doctor don't think that because you're free means you can start demanding orders." Khan chided, as we suddenly came to a stop.

"I'd still like Captain Harkness by our side." I state.

"One or the other Doctor," Khan growled. I'm so sorry Jack, we'll come back for you.

"No, its alright. I'm fine with Rose," I replied, as I stared at the torpedos.

"What's inside of them?" I ask.

"My people, you're a Doctor I need you to open them." Khan admitted. "They're all I have left, now I'm the only one awake. There's only 74 of us including me. You understand what it's like being alone, and would do anything to get your people back."

"From my understanding your people kill any race that's less than superior than your own. I'm not sure I trust you not to hurt the humans."

"Doctor I will kill your companions if you defy me." Khan threatened.

"If you dare touch any human I will stop you. You are already hurting one of my companions, but hurting the very human I am holding is exactly where you crossed the line."

Khan drew his gun, aiming at Rose. His eyes were challenging, he really didn't realize how dangerous I could be once the very human I hold dear was in danger.

A shot rang out, as Jack stood behind us. Khan lay dead on the floor, head oozing with blood.

"Are you alright?" I ask, staring between him and the body.

"Yeah I'm fine," Jack replied brushing it off, staring at Rose worried.

"Come on, let's get you and Rose checked up." I sighed, patting Jack's shoulder.

"Thank you," I let out. Jack smiled and nodded looking slightly rumpled as I unlocked the door.

We sat down in the medical bay, as I set Rose down checking her pulse and such. Jack took care of his own wounds, but didn't argue that I quickly glanced him over.

"What did they do to Rosie?"

"Tranquilized her per say," I shrugged tugging my ear. "Luckily nothing lethal,"

He just nodded, and walked off to his room, saying goodnight and kissing Rose's forehead. My eyes longed at the lines on Rose's face from her tears clearing her carefully applied makeup. I carefully took off the rest of the makeup, and wrapped her up in a blanket before settling next her and holding her tightly to my chest.

I yawned, realizing for once I really did feel tired. After about 2 hours of sleep I awoke, realizing Rose was still nowhere close to waking. The dosage was rather high, and it would at least take another 6 hours for it to wear off. It was saddening to see my love this way, her sleep was not her normal relaxed resting.

This rest forced and she looked saddened, I rubbed her lower back where she had gotten the shot. Her breath was warm against my neck, as her body shivered at the contact before her body lightly trying to get closer. It was useless really since her body was so drugged up, so holding her closer was all I could do.

I ran my fingers through her slightly knotted hair, carefully brushing them from her hair. I kissed her hair, continuing to rub her back. I massaged her limp but tense limbs, easing the stress from her forced sleep so she could be more comfortable. When all the tension fell from her bones, small murmurs fell from her lips against my neck.

I didn't know how long this continued, but I couldn't be sure how I felt at this very moment. I was content, but angered. Rose was safe and that's all I could be thankful for.

"Doctor," Rose whimpered. Her eye lids where heavy, and her body leaned even more so against mine.

"Are you alright?" I ask, my hand securing her head to my neck. She nodded, as I could feel her soft smile against my skin.

"I'm sorry, that must have hurt." I sigh, continuing to rub the wound.

"It did, but I think I was panicking enough to numb it down," she mumbled causing my body to tense.

"I'm sorry," was all I could say as she shook her head no.

"Not your fault I'm scared of needles, I saw him before I turned back to you." She replied, "I just couldn't look at it,"

"Never knew you didn't like needles." I pointed out, kissing her hair tenderly.

"Don't really like them, I feel as if I have no control of what's being put in my blood or removed. I feel like something is there that shouldn't and I wont be able to get it out," she whispered, her eyes watering slightly.

"It's alright, I'm sorry I promise I won't let anyone do that to you again." I apologize, peppering her with kisses. She sniffled, burying her body into my neck.

"Is Jack okay?"

"Yes, perfectly sound from what I could tell."

"Doctor, can we go to the galley, maybe get some tea?" Rose asked, wiping away some stray tears. I nod taking her hand and escorting my pink and yellow human to the galley as we sat and drank our tea.

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