Playful teasing

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Happy Birthday David Tennant!. April 18! Best day of the year!😍😍😍

Doctors POV

Rose was angry with me and I wasn't sure why. Why must human girls be so complicated. Was it because we ran into Sarah Jane at the school. I probably should have checked on k9 before we left. I dropped Mickey off since he wasn't the biggest use in a crisis.

Rose was in the library while I was toying with the console. I put my hand in my pocket to grab my glasses and realized I didn't have them. "What?" I asked a little dumbfounded.

I needed them to fix the console so I walked around many empty halls of the TARDIS. I then found my way to the library. Rose was sitting on the couch with a book in front of her face so I didn't want to bother. I began to crawl around the room looking under shelves and the table.

I was about to look under the couch but realized Rose was wearing a short short plaid skirt and high heels. Well that's all I could see from the down below view. Her legs were smooth and a lovely tan. I began to sit criss cross applesauce and looked up at the book she was reading. Grimm's fairy tales.

"Rose I know your cross with me , but you mind telling me if you know we're my glasses?"

She looked down from her book. She looked very sexy I couldn't lie my hearts started to beat very fast. Her hair was in pigtails with her bangs out swooped to the side. She had a tight white shirt on and ruby red lipstick. And perched at the end of her nose were my glasses.

"My glasses." I nearly choked. "hmm." She mumbled and then proceeded to read her book. All I know now is I want her full attention. I was trying to find out what she's playing at with me but my eyes were drawn to her lips as she lightly blew a bubble with her gum and licked it off her lips to chew again.

My neck nearly broke when I snapped my head up realizing what she was doing. Her outfit was a school girl outfit and yet I was supposed to be the teacher.

I stood up and placed my hand on the book causing her to look up at me. I proceeded to take the book and put it on the table. She had a light blush on her cheeks. She was utterly irresistible.

I placed my hand out I front of her face and smirked " no gum in class."
She blushed madly and spit it out. I threw it away and proceeded to play her game.

I then leaned in and slowly pulled the glasses off her and rested them on the tip of my nose and began pressing her lips to mine. She instantly kissed back. My arms roped her against me as I hovered over her captivating her lips for my self.

Her arms began to ruffle through my hair. I'm defiantly winning this game and if I'm supposed to be the teacher there's quite a lot of things I will have to teach. I instantly smirked through the kiss at this thought as her tongue was now in my mouth I began to dominate her mouth leaving my pink and yellow human to my self. I guess you could say I'm now the teacher who is in love with their student.

TenRose/TenPetals one shots Doctor Who -COMPLETED-Where stories live. Discover now