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Zayn and Harry have been shooting daggers across the room at each other for the past twenty minutes, distracting you from fully listening to Gemma's instructions of the photoshoot that's supposed to already be happening as of ten minutes ago.

You've been trying your best to keep your cool upon discovering that Zayn is your partner for this shoot, which is way worse than any random person you didn't know filling the position instead. Harry has made it abundantly clear that he's not okay with this whatsoever, but him and his opinion are nobody to the people in this room so all he can do about it is sit in the corner and pout while glaring at Zayn any chance he can. Gemma's been extremely apologetic from the get-go about it all but you cut her some slack, not blaming her for any of what's going on. She's been talking to you for the past few minutes, but all you can think about in-between how out of place the dress your in makes you feel and how scared you are to work with Zayn, is Harry.

He's been sitting in his chair across the room for thirty minutes now, fiddling his thumbs every now and then, only agreeing to sit so out of the way after you insisted you were comfortable working with Zayn as long as you had Gemma with you and he stayed somewhere nearby. He was hesitant to let go of your hand, a gesture that you, along with a suspecting Gemma, noticed but didn't say a single word about. You quietly coaxed him into letting go, promising you were fine, really, and that if he made a scene Gemma was surely going to call you out in front of everyone. It still doesn't feel real to you that you spent the last twelve hours now in Harry's presence and that you're surprisingly so comfortable with him already. You're still embarrassed about having a meltdown last night when you tried to open up to him, silently vowing to yourself that you'd not only make it up to him but also hold yourself more accountable and not freak out as easily when the occasion rose again.

"Are you even listening to me?"

"Huh?" You blink to snap out of your thoughts. "I'm sorry, not really."

"Did you hear anything I said about the poses they want between you two?" Gemma raises her eyebrows, her voice oozing with annoyance.

"Can you repeat it?" You feel your cheeks burning with embarrassment, the last thing you want to do is piss Gemma off and you're already not off to a great start.

"Maybe stop making googly eyes at my brother and pay attention to me." She mutters and you finally pull your entire focus to her.

"Excuse me?" You're a bit thrown off by her words. Offended, even.

"Nothing." She shakes her head, knowing you heard her and want clarification which she's not in the mood to give right now. "I said they want you to kiss."

"You're joking. I'm not doing that." No way you're kissing Zayn. Absolutely not.

"I know. I told them you won't, but they looped Zayn in and god only knows what he's planning to do with that news."

The thought of you locking lips with Zayn is making you nauseous. Sure, he's an attractive man. But after the stunt he pulled with you at the diner and his obvious distaste for Harry, there's no reason for you to willingly oblige. Besides, how would you explain that to Harry? Not that you owed him one, but it still seemed fucked up considering he explained how his friendship with Zayn went sour to you just last night.

Last night.

You replay the image of Harry sleeping peacefully next to you in your bed and feel the nausea in your system be replaced with butterflies.

You try not to make it obvious that you're daydreaming, not wanting Gemma to question you, but you can't help it that Harry is so... dreamy. You never gave him much thought before, never phased by his devilish good looks and intoxicating charm. He's slowly starting to push his way past every boundary you have, climbing every wall you have put up, without even trying. And you're letting him.

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