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Gemma isn't stupid. She noticed the way you and Harry were attached at the hip at Disneyland, but not wanting to ruin the mood of the day, didn't say anything. She's been too wrapped up in Liam and how happy he makes her to let your and Harry's closeness bother her too much, but today, it's been bothering her more than usual.

Maybe it's because she just wants to stop feeling in the dark. She misses you, even though she's not seen you any more or less than she usually does. It's not your physical presence she's missing, but rather the person you were before you started growing close with Harry. She feels like there's something unspoken between the two of you, whether it be romantic or not, and she feels left out.

She's jealous.

Her brother seems to be taking up your attention whether you realize it or not, and vice-versa. Even Niall gets the best parts of you while Gemma hangs behind, waiting for you to give her a sliver of attention. She's been distracting herself with Liam, who's she's grateful to have. But as she sits on the couch with you, Harry, and Niall while you all watch a movie, she can't help but feel like she should just sneak away to her room and call her boyfriend since the three of you are too wrapped up in a conversation that doesn't seem to include her.

"Are you okay?" You voice sounds far away when Gemma hears it. She looks at you, expressionless.

"I'm fine. Why?"

"You're just quiet today." You shrug.

You know something is bothering Gemma, but you get the hint that she'd rather not talk about it in front of the boys when she dismisses your concern. It's been a few days since you all went to Disneyland, and she has yet to make any remarks regarding how much time you and Harry spent alone. You know that bothered her deep down, and you don't blame her for not wanting to talk about it. You aren't ready to talk about it, either.

You spent a good hour going back and forth with Harry last night about breaking the news to her, claiming now is the best time since she's still riding the high of being Liam's girlfriend. Harry keeps saying he'll tell her, but every day you wake up expecting angry calls or texts and a hostile interaction with her that never comes. You're not sure why he's holding back from telling her, but you don't know how much longer sneaking around with Harry will be thrilling before it becomes exhausting and getting caught becomes terrifying. Niall has been a trooper, covering your asses when you're put on the spot and being a supportive third wheel (his choice, of course), but you feel bad. He shouldn't have to keep your secrets hidden, especially when Gemma trusts the three of you with her life.

"Did you guys take pictures at Disney?" Niall asks when he sees the photo card sitting on the coffee table, picking it up and twirling it in his fingers.

"Yes." You, Harry, and Gemma say at the same time. An awkward silence follows as you all glance at each other.

The room feels heavy. No one speaks until Niall can't stand how thick the air is. "Without me?"

"Sorry," You shoot him a nervous smile.

"Losers." Niall tosses the card back on the table. You look at Harry, both of you exchanging a look of terror. Neither of you are sure if that card has photos of Gemma and Liam on it, or you and him.

Gemma can't see those.

"Is this my card or yours?" Harry asks Gemma and she shrugs.

He immediately gets up, swiping the card off the table before taking it with him to his room. He rummages through his dirty laundry, finding the card with photos of you two on it still shoved in the pockets. He sighs in relief, holding both cards and keeping in mind which is which. He starts to head back to the living room when he accidentally drops them both. His eyes go wide as he realizes what he's done, scrambling to pick them up quickly before looking at them both as he holds one in each hand.

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