In His Arms

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Request: Can you do a Tony Stark x Reader where the reader faced a nightmare about Tony dying, wakes up in horror and started to cry badly. But, Tony is there to comfort her at all costs 🥺💕

Summary: (Set in Iron Man 2) You've witnessed in person how Iron Man fought Whiplash and unfortunately, it affected you more than you anticipated. Good thing, you still have Tony.

Warnings: mentions of weapons, death, bruise, and wounds, light cursing, angst, and fluff.

Ever since Tony had announced the world that he's Iron Man, you've admired him even more. His braveness and his awareness to take responsibility when he experienced getting hostage by terrorists— ending the weaponry of his company and switching it to producing clean energy. You knew how much he grew to become a better person.

Though, he's still may be reckless sometimes, but that's okay. If that's the way he is, you're more than happy to accept him. He's your idiot of a boyfriend afterall.

Tony Stark is a man of word. And if he promised you that he'll show you off to everyone in the world when you started dating, he will really do it. You accompany Tony to every events that he needs to attend to, along with Pepper Potts and the newly hired assistant, Natalie Rushman.

And you're fine with it, you love how his arms are always wrapped around your waist on every place you go to, tightening it a bit every time Justin Hammer comes in the scene to bother the heck out of your boyfriend. Whispering sweet, and sometimes naughty, things to your ears making you blush in the crowd, earning a playful smirk from him. Or when at random times that he'd just a press a kiss on your forehead, and sometimes asking you to dance (if you were in a Ball or Gala).

You always knew that when Tony announced to you personally that he's Iron Man and wanted to protect people from the danger, it can be dangerous sometimes. Maybe fighting 5-10 goons at the same time but that's just it. Nothing too exaggerated and dangerous unlike the Iron Monger, it still shaken you up to this day that his uncle tried to kill him but you somehow got to move on because you weren't really at the scene on the exact moment. You're at your parents' house, visiting them so it is easier for you to forget it.

It was a simple event in Monaco, nothing new. You're all there to watch the race when he suddenly thought of being the racer that represents his company. You didn't had any arguments about it because you trust Tony. He's a mechanic anyway, he could destroy that car into pieces and rebuild it and you knew he's knowledgeable enough to drive it. What's harm in supporting him to have his fun?

And then suddenly, a mad man appeared in the race track, dressed in a exoskeletal suit that has the same features with Iron Man suit but without the metal plate, holding a whip that produces electricity on both of his hands. And Tony, being the brave and protective person, he first thought of you in the bleachers. Shouting at you to go and run away as he tries to stall the dangerous man without his suit on.

But you're stuck in your seat, you couldn't take away your eyes from the mad man as your hearing starts to blur around you, all the helpless screaming of people as they try to frantically and scurrying to get away from the fight scene while you, still sitting there like a deer caught in headlights.

Your mind is swirling around, you couldn't focus on anything but the fight scene not far away from you. You kept your gaze to the mad man, helplessly hoping that all of his attacks wouldn't hit Tony as your head keeps on popping 'what ifs' that you wouldn't want to witness nor say it out loud.

Everything happened so fast, you couldn't register what you have just seen in your own eyes, Pepper and Happy finally came.

But they were already late and you didn't do anything to help him.

You rose up from your slumber, drops of sweat visible in your forehead as you try to take heavy deep breaths. Your other hand tries to search for Tony's but you're left with nothing but the sheets and blankets. No Tony.

No, No. NO. This can't be.

You started crying as you scream your lungs out hoping that this is just a nightmare and you'll wake up with Tony sleeping right beside you, hearing his little snores, his hand holding your hand giving enough comfort to ease you from the stress and help you relax.

"It's okay, honey, I'm here." Tony came rushing from the balcony to you, hugging you with enough tightness to give you assurance that he'll always be here to protect you. "It's alright, you're okay." He muttered as he pressed a kiss on your now messy hair.

"You're d-dead." You shakily whispered, staring into nothing as your gripped in his arms tightens, clinging onto him as if he's gonna disappear if you'd loosen your grip. "I saw you there, Tony. I'm sorry."

"Shhh, shhh. It's okay. We're okay." Tony tries his best to calm you down, moving his other hand to place and draw small circles on your lower back.

"I didn't d-do anything, Tony." You said, feeling so guilty and ashamed that you didn't do anything that time. "I-I just watched you almost getting kil—"

"It's not your fault." Tony cupped your face and made you looked at his brown orbs. "And I wouldn't want you too. I'd rather get hurt than to see you in pain by trying to help me. And I'm here."

"I wouldn't leave you. I'm here." Tony continues to whisper that like a mantra, he feels so guilty being distracted in the balcony that he didn't get to hear your soft whimpers because of the nightmare. "I'm here, we're safe. I'll always protect you."

You nodded with tears still streaming down your face but you're much calmer now.

"But who will protect you?"

"Your love, sweetheart. Your love." Tony muttered.

And It's true you're the anchor of his life, the one that keeps him grounded. The sun of his life, the one that keeps him warmth in the coldest nights of his days. His home.

"Now, have you thought about it yet?" He opened the topic again that you constantly refuse the moment he brought it up. "I mean, I just wanted the best for you. It's the third time that you had a nightmare this we--"

"Yes, Tony. I'll go." You cut him off by agreeing his offer for the first time. Tony looks at you beyond belief at your answer, but he's happy. He knew it'll help you overcome this. He's glad that you finally open yourself to seeking help from the professionals.

"Alright, we'll schedule an appointment to Rhodey's recommendation later morning, okay?" You couldn't say a word so you just nodded. "Now, let's go back to sleep, okay?"

You both laid back in your shared bed, still hugging you, making you the little spoon. You felt him kissed you one last time in your forehead which made a small smile you face as he tighten his grip onto you a little more. And with that, you fell again into your slumber. In his arms.

Word Count: 1150

Feel free to send requests! comment down or send a dm!

A/N: Shifting Realities Special will probably uploaded next week.

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