I Won't Heal You

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Request: Can you do the prompt "you're gonna hurt yourself"? I love your work btw!

Summary: Tony has a different way to show people how he likes them.

Warnings: fluff, a bit of cursing and mentions of wounds, bruises, injuries.


You're a healer. You've been blessed with the power of healing ever since you were born. Your parents have found out about it first when you were 4, you had your first wound from falling because of playing too much with your friends and when you mother came back to get the first aid kit, your wound had already disappeared and no any signs as if it there wasn't any in the first place.

When you finished college, that's where you found out that you could also heal other people and many years later, from healing your neighborhood, you're now under SHIELD and is helping the avengers.

For the past couple of months, you've noticed that Tony has been the one to always seek for your power. Well, you knew that guy is reckless and isn't one to being careful but you're getting worried every after mission he has gone to you. It's like he's doing it intentionally which concerns you more.

You've gone from your reverie when you've heard the sound of Quinjet landing. You've prepared yourself, ready to help who's injured and in need.

The first that came to your sight is Clint, feeling more tired than he usually look which made you worried, not only by his condition but the fact that Tony isn't the one to greet you like he usually does.

"You good?" You asked Clint, holding his shoulder, looking at his body to see any major injuries and wounds that needs to pay attention.

"Yea, nothing serious. Just a bit sore than usual." He flashes you his smile which you returned.

"Then I'll have you in my clinic."

After leaving Clint to go to your clinic, you've focused on the remaining that's going down. You feel like you've heart stopped as you see an injured and unconscious Tony laying lifeless in the stretcher, being carried by Thor and Steve.

You rushed to their side.

"What happened?!" Worry and panic can be heard in your tone.

"We're getting outnumbered, he got hit while trying to check the whole parameter." Steve explained but your mind stays focus on Tony.

You stayed beside Tony after healing all the other Avengers, though you may have healed him, he still needs rest due to the accident that happened to him. And while waiting for him to wake up, you've fallen asleep as well, with your head resting beside his hand.

Minutes later, you've waken from your nap by the touch of someone's hand in your head. 

"Oh, you're already awake." You muttered as you rubbed your eyes and wipe the side of your lips in case of any signs of drool.

"Don't worry, there's no drool, you just snore a little but that's it." He chuckled as you take a glance of his body, checking to see if he's already okay or not. "I'm already healed, no more bruises. Thanks to our wonderful healer." He said, proud and amusement laced in his voice and as much as you wanted to take his compliment, you've already had enough of his shit. 

"You seriously had the guts to laugh right now? to joke around?" You snapped which took Tony by surprise. "I've felt nothing but wariness every time you step your foot at the Quinjet because I'm afraid you're so reckless and careless that even my power can't heal you."

"But you always do, right?" He tries to assure you, his hand trying to reach yours but you avoid his gesture.

"You're gonna hurt yourself very badly one day and I won't heal you anymore." You said, stern. You've had enough of his attitude and you don't want to be a part of it. "Either you try to be care--"

"I'm sorry." He muttered, which cuts you off. "I know it's childish. Really. But I can't help it."

"What do you mean? Do you want me to set up an appointment to--"

You got cut off again the second time around.

"That's the only way I could think of to catch your attention. You're always busy healing other people, I can't even catch you freely walking around the compound, either you're healing us or you're in the SHIELD headquarters doing work." 

"That is quite possibly the dumbest thing you've ever said and I've heard in my entire life, why would you do that? I thought you're a genius?" 

"Can't you see it? I've liked you for a while now."


Word Count: 724

A/N: This is so overdue, I'm really sorry. I copied the wrong thing and posted the unedited one I'm so sorry. This will also be my entry in tumblr user @/lovelyavengers' writing challenge!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2022 ⏰

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