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Foxy's P.O.V
It be a borin' day at the pizzaria. There be nothin' tah do for this ol' cap'n. I just sat in me cove, until Bonnie rudely burst in. "Bonnie, get out." I said, pointing to the entranc e/exit to me cove. Bonnie shook his head. "No! Freddy's with Chica, so I will come bother you to make him JEALOUS!!" he grinned and laughed mischieviously as if his plan was something evil. I just got up, grabbed him, and started dragging him over to Freddy. He was light, and plus I've picked the lad up 'bout a million times.

He thrashed around. "Nooo!!" I clonked him on the head with my hook. (Not the actual like, hook part tho) "ow~!" He whined. I laughed a bit and dragged him to Freddy, we had a short discussion and then I walked out. I then walkes back to me cove. I was gonna fall asleep, but then Chica walked in.

"Ahoy," I greeted her. "Hi Foxy," she giggled a little. Then she walked over to me and sat next to me. "What'cha doing?" She asked, cheerfully. "Nothin' really, lass." I replied. "Was just gonna fall asleep..."

She nodded. "Mind if I join ya? I'm tired..." I shrugged. "Sure." I laid down, and she laid down as well. We were a distance apart, but I could feel her inching closer tah me. "Lass... What are ye doin'?" I ask, as I turn around to face her. "I'm cold," she ignores my question and wraps her arms around me. "L-lass I'm not into all that cuddling 'n' such!" I said in alarm.

I felt my cheeks heating up, its not like I had a crush on Chica, well Not a big one anyway, but I wasnt necessarily comfortable with this. She giggled again. God, this was weird.

"Chica... Im actually hungry, I'm gonna go... Get some.. uhh... Pizza...!" I said as I quickly stood up and rushed out. "Wait, Foxy...!" She came out after me.

I nervously looked in her direction. "Do you not wanna hang out or something...?" She looked concerned. "W-well, Chica, I don't necessarily feel all that comfortable with ye cuddlin' up tah me..." I sighed. "Why not...?" Now she looked hurt.

"Well, we aren't in a relationship or anything..." I nervously (and quietly) said, hoping she didn't hear or understand me. "We can change that..." She giggled a bit. I felt my face heat up. She was blushing as well, but it wasn't as noticeable as my dark red cheeks.

Then I snapped out of it. "L-lass no...!" I studdered. "Why not...?" She looked real sad. "I just- I dunno lass, but I don't think it'd work..." I sighed and shook my head. "Okay... Alright then..." She slowly walked away.

I felt horrible for rejectin' the lass, but I just felt I had to wait before I made a decision like that. I don't even know a thing about datin'....! So that's why I rejected her...
I laid down in me cove tiredly. Nobody around tah bother me. I finally fell asleep.

There was screaming, everyone was in a rush to get to the exits. Foxy's jaw hung wide open, crimson red blood pouring out of his jaw, and an innocent child lay limp on the ground. His head had been bleeding a ton and it seemed he was going to die. But despite all of what was happening, Foxy still saw... He saw him...

He was a strange figure. He seemed to be completely purple. His lips were curled back into a smile and it seemed as if he were trying to hold back a laugh.

Then, he saw the same man, standing above him, a blood-stained knife in his hands. Then all went black

I awoke in fear. What was with the dreams I was having lately...? They all had that purple figure... But this one was an awful dream, reminded me of the terrible mistake I had made in 87. I don't like to talk about it... But I'll tell ye what happened...

T'was a nice day in November, the children were all happily playing, eating pizza, singing, just being children. I was sitting backstage, waiting for Freddy tah give me the cue to come out. Finally, he have the cue, quickly walked backstage, and I walked out. "Ahoy lil' laddies and lasses!" I called out happily. The children happily cheered. I started to do my normal thing, but then everything started to get hazy... And all my emotions were replaced with a sudden anger.

"Hey! Hi Foxy!" A little boy had climbed his way onstage. "Hey, little boy, you need to get down." One of the workers said in alarm. I looked at the little boy in disgust, hatred, anger, and suddenly, before I knew it, I lunged forward and bit the lad. Then everythin' started tah fall apart...

The other animatronics didn't treat me very well, or talk to me very much, and they still don't. I hope one day I can regain the place I had before, a good friend o' theirs.

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