Getting back together (round 2)

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Alexa's Pov

Today was just like yesterday, my heart was still broken but part of me wanted to go find him and talk to him and tell him i'm sorry for lying to him this whole time. 

I really wanted to get him back cause he's the only guy who ever loved me but he's also the only guy I can be myself around. I tried so many times to go on so many dates but other guys aren't interested in girls like me. 

I spent all day looking for him but had a hard time looking and I tried everywhere, I tried the diner and everywhere around there hoping he would turn up but he never did. I knew once I found him that I would feel whole again and my heart would be put back together because he's the only one who can stitch my heart back together.

I went to the morgue to see my best friend because I need to tell her i'm sorry for saying what said before.

I see her so I go and talk to her.

"Tru!" I say

"Oh hey, what are you doing here?" She says back

"I'm sorry for what I said yesterday I didn't mean to"

"Alexa, It's ok"

"Oh ok good um I need to ask you something real quick"

"Yeah sure what is it"

"Have you seen Luc anywhere?"

"No I haven't, why?"

"I need to tell him I'm sorry but I've looked everywhere and I can't find him"

"Well sorry can't help"

"It's ok, I'm gonna go"

"Ok bye"


I'm leaving when I see Luc getting into the elevator.

"Luc!" I say trying to get his attention.

He gets into the elevator and now he's gone. I get into the elevator to find what floor he is on so I can finally talk to him.


I finally find him and he got so sad when he saw me. He told me he was sorry and that he messed up. I forgave him and I told him that everything is going to be ok and he finally calmed down. I felt horrible and so did he, He knew he messed up but he knew he loved me and I loved him. After everything we go home, We get home and we go into my bedroom and well I'm not talk about it, you already know what it is. Ok bye for now!

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