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Alexa's Pov

I'm a 23 year old girl with dirty blonde hair, greyish blue eyes and glasses. So yeah I found love but it was taken away from me but I'm fine, no I'm not. This was my story and how I met the love of my life. His name was Luc, Luc Johnston and he was the only guy I ever loved and he was the only guy who could keep me from falling apart but then he died and I fell apart. Guess you can't keep something you want, I miss him and always will. I know my life was something, I met the love of my life and then I got a friend and I almost had a family but then all of that was taken from me. Nobody's Perfect, right? See all my life I was the girl that no guy wanted because well I don't know but then Luc came and I thought I was gonna spend the rest of my life with him and now he's gone and I get it, I can't keep a guy because i'm me but at least he loved me.

If your ever wondering if I found someone new, I didn't because I could never replace Luc. He was the best boyfriend I could have and he always will be. So I'm still upset because of everything but I've actually been doing a lot better now. I still miss him and I still cry now and then but I'm fine and nothing's gonna stop me from being fine. Nothing can. Also me and Tru never became friends again and that's ok because me and Harrison and Davis are still friends. I love them so much and No I would never date Harry because he's just a friend and again no one can replace Luc. Well Thank You for listening to my story, I gotta go. I'm moving because I can't stay in the same place for awhile. I miss you Luc, Bye!

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