The Dragon Among The Trees

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originally posted: 2022-01-25
Words: 576

me: tries to write fluff
i tried to write fluff? for this one :D

Yn danced through the trees, her wings trailing behind her and her light purple skirt fluttering in the breeze. Yn danced her way to the edge of a cliff above a waterfall, where she sat swinging her legs. The clif also had a peek around the snow biome. Yn examined the house, which had been constructed some time earlier.

She would never leave her home on the cliff, but the house kind...interested her, so she got up and leaped from the cliff, laughing as she landed in the water below her. When she resurfaced, there were a couple of people yelling by the river, one of whom had a set of wings similar to hers. She peered out of the water and watched them.

"Hello," Yn said, looking over each of the males. One had pink hair and was quite tall, with a cape; another had brown hair that was partly covered in a beanie and was also quite tall; Yn's eyes fell to an older male who was the shortest, with blonde hair that was also covered in a white and green hat; Yn's eyes fell to the last male, a tall blonde with a red and white shirt and a green bandanda around his neck.

They stared at the girl in the water, still stunned. Yn curled her wings around herself and climbed out of the water, brushing the water from her black wings and swaying her tail softly back and forth. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU?" yelled the blonde tall one, "TOMMY SHUT THE FUCK UP MATE!" Yn laughed as the brown haired man yelled at Tommy?

Tommy muttered but stopped as the pink haired male slapped the back of his head. Yn's tail wagged as she laughed, and she unwrapped her dragon wings and let them rest on the ground. "I'm Phil," said the shorter blonde, "and these are my sons Tommy, Wilbur, and Technoblade." "Techno is fine," remarked the pink-haired man, "I'm Yn, and you guys must be the ones who live in the house that way." Yn said while pointing to their home.

"Yeah, we are," Techno replied, "but how did you know about our house?" Yn grinned. "I LIVE UP HERE COME JOIN ME THERE'S STEPS OVER THERE," Yn waved as she flapped her wings and flew to the top of the cliff. Yn pointed to her mossed-covered stairwell. Tommy started running up the steps but stopped halfway up because he was out of breath. Yn met them at the top, her tail thrashed back and forth, happy that someone other than her had been up here.

Yn dragged them to her cave abode, flying around them making sure to avoid hitting them with her tail or wings. Yn stepped forward, her tail in her hands, and lowered herself in front of them.

----a couple months later----

Yn sat in front of several Aquilegia Formosas "Yn?" Yn turned around, her tail waggingg, and stood up. "TECHNO," she said. Yn ran to him hugging him she wrapped her tail and wings around him. "Hello Techno," she said, Techno laughing. "Hello Yn," he answered, patting Yn between her horns.

Her tail unwound slowly from Techno and began swinging gently against the ground. Against Techno, Yn began to almost purr. If she hadn't been a dragon, she might have been purring.

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