Chapter 14: Legend of the lost Ninjutsu

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Before the first week even ended, let's go back to the first day of 7 days that Harith gave everyone in that note he sent them. Whilst all of them were finding a way to prepare themselves for the upcoming fight they are gonna encounter when the Necrokeep time comes, Lesley went back to her home; Vance mansion.

She had nothing to do, nothing to train herself with, given that she has done that her entire life to prevent herself from losing more loved ones ever since her dad died. So when she was taken into the Vance family, she trained herself each day, slowly mastering her own skills until now.

But that wasn't enough.

Her brother was still out there, somewhere. 

Before she left for her home, Gusion invited her to follow Guinevere and Lancelot to find this pin but she refused as she rather save her energy for Necrokeep.

In truth, Lesley had a series of thoughts when Lylia and Ruby told everyone about Harith's letter. It was fishy to her that why can't Harith just come to them instead of sending a letter and not signing his name on it.

She can't complain because she didn't need to.

No one knew where Dyrroth went to but Ruby assured them that it was okay and he will be back in a few days or something.

Lesley found it suspicious. Three months ago, she accompanied the kids into Twisted Zlatan, and in those times there, she recognized Dyrroth's behavior. And that behavior suggests that he would do anything rash to get answers.

She wouldn't be surprised if he was in Necrokeep now.

A few hours after Ruby and Lylia told them about the letter, Lesley was walking down the mansion's corridor, feeling very bored and needing to keep the thoughts about her brother at bay.

If I get troubled, I read books, Harley once said.

So Lesley followed his example and headed to the library, plucked out a random book, jumped onto an armchair, and started reading, hoping that it will work.


Ten minutes passed. It didn't work.

She can't stop thinking about Harley that she can't even concentrate on her book about fairy tales.

Lesley flung the book away and groaned, hearing the book landing with a thump somewhere in the library. She looked at the floor, distracted again.

Every time I tried to protect my brother, it just isn't enough. Lesley thought. I'm not strong enough.

The sniper sighed. So how can I protect my brother? How can I reach the next level?  she leaned back on the armchair, frowning.

It's my turn to protect now. My turn to save him. What would he say if he was here?

Lesley closed her eyes tightly, trying to imagine what Harley would say.

He would probably say 'The answer is in a book'. Lesley thought, a little disappointed.

There were over 900 books here and 7 days for her. Maybe it should be a special book?

Lesley thought hard for something, anything she could use to be more powerful.

A few minutes passed.


Lesley sighed, frustrated. If only someone in the Vance family can teach her something. Like Duke Vance but he's away for important business. Harley's mum died in childbirth so the only option is Duke Vance or nothing.

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