Another Unexpected Guest~

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Sorry about the lousy chapter name! Also dedicated to tiara123458


As Nico approached his father, he tried to hide the fact that he was beaming with joy. He was finally going to see his cousin, who got himself banished to save him, after four weeks.

Those weeks seemed like months.

His father smiled at Nico, which was extremely rare. "I know how much this means to you my child. I myself owe Jackson much.."

He apparently feared he'd opened up to much, for he cleared his throat. "Are you ready?"

Nico nodded.

Hades warned, "You'll only have twelve hours Nico. That's the best we can give you."

Nico groaned, "Only twelve? I can't even have a day?"

"If it were up to me, I'd give you a day. But after twelve hours Zeus would find out, and there's no telling what he would do to you. I can't bare to have him..." Again he feared he was showing to much emotion. "Well, let's get this over with shall we?"

He swung his hand around in a circular notion and muttered a few words in Ancient Greek.

Suddenly a black and purple vortex appeared on the floor.

Nico walked through it and vanished.

When Nico opened his eyes he was laying on his back, on a beach.

He rolled over and pushed himself up.

A familiar voice called, "Nico? Nico is that you?"

He looked up and saw Percy.

He grinned, "Percy!"

Percy grinned back, but the grin quickly vanished. "Why are you here? How are you here?"

"I wanted to visit you. You sacrificed yourself for me and I needed to say thanks."

"You mean... You didn't get banished here? Not like me?"

"No, in fact I have twelve hours only, so instead of bickering, maybe we can talk and catch up?"

Percy asked, "Twelve hours? That means... You have a day and a half."

"No it means I have twelve hours. I knew your math wasn't good but gods Percy."

Percy laughed, "No really. One day back... at your home... Is three here, so twelve hours is 1.5 days."

Nico gave the short reply of, "Oh."

Percy smiled, "Come on, I'll show you around."

He led Nico into a forest.

Nico felt somewhat uncomfortable following Percy into the unknown, "Where are we going Percy?"

Percy looked back, "Oh well since people called it The Haven, we decided to name it Haven City."

"City? And who's we?"

Percy smiled again, "Well you'll see. And yes the city. It took us two moths to finish building it."

Nico forgot about the time conversation they had and exclaimed, "Two months?!"

"Yeah, out of the three months I've been here, it took two to build. We'd still be building if it hadn't been for the magic."


"Yes ma-" Percy stopped himself as the forest cleared and they stood in front of the gate of a wall.

Percy Jackson gets Banished From CHBWhere stories live. Discover now