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As soon as Percy opened his eyes he noticed a few things.

First that he was laying on his back on a bunch of sand. Second that it was really hot, and after visiting Tartarus, that was saying something. The third was that his throat was extremely dry.

He turned over and started pushing himself up when a voice said, "Stop. Let me see your face."

Percy looked up to see a man who appeared to be in his early or mid-twenties. His hair was almost shoulder length. His eyes were bright green, like Percy's.

In the man's hand was a spear.

The man asked, "What's your name?"

"Percy Jackson."

"Son of Poseidon?"

"How did you-"

The man interrupted, "What are you doing here?"

"The gods.. They sent me here."

The man nodded. "Let me guess, Athena and Zeus decided you needed to be banished?"

"Yeah. How did you know?"

"I can explain everything. But I'll explain at my home."

The man offered Percy his free hand. "My name is Lief."

Percy took his hand was helped up.

Percy looked a little confused. "How did you know I was a son of Poseidon?"

"I'm sure you'd like that answered along with other questions. But I'll answer everything either on the way to my home or at my home."

Percy's stomach growled. "Do you happen to have any food?"

Lief smiled. "Of course. I have some in at my tent," he motioned towards a forest, " This way. So ask away."

"How did you know I was a son of Poseidon?"

They walked a little bit before Lief answered, "Hestia. She visits me from time to time. She tells me of what the world has become, and of your deeds."

"So you know about the Titan war? About the Giant war?"

Lief nodded, "Yes. I know of how you defeated Kronos and how you and six others defeated Gaia."

"I didn't defeat Kronos. Camp half-blood did."

"Nonsense. You did."

"No I didn't... Wait you said Hestia visits you? Isn't that against the banishment rules or whatever?"

Lief laughed, "Well I suppose it is, but she is allowed to because she's not an Olympian anymore."

"She should be. Zeus swore she would get a throne."

"Yes I know. Thank you."


"Trying to help Hestia. She's a good friend of mine."

"I tried to. She's one of my favorite Olympians."

Lief nodded. "Do you have anymore questions?"

"How long have you been here?"

Lief thought about it for a minute, "120 years."

Percy was in complete shock. "But you aren't that old! You can't be more then twenty!"

"Thank you. But you can't age here. I've been here for 120 years, but out there in the other world it's only been 40 years since i was banished."

"So every year here is..?"

"Three years here is equivalent to one year out there."

"That's... How can you stand living that long?"

"It's incredibly boring. The only thing I look forward to is Hestia's visits."

"How often does she visit?"

Lief smiled. "Your full of questions aren't you? But to answer, she visits once every month. Our months not Earth months."

Percy looked confused, "Wait so we're not on Earth anymore?"

Lief laughed, "No we are, but I tried making it easier for you to understand."

"You just made it more confusing!"

They stepped into a clearing, where a huge tent was located by an area that was clearly used as a camp fire.

The tent was big enough that two Giants could live in it

Lief sighed, "Ah we're here."

Percy pointed at the tent. "That whole thing is for you?"

"Oh no, no. I share it with three others."

Percy stopped. He looked at Lief with suspicion, "You didn't mention anybody else."

"You're right. But I didn't wanna spoil the surprise. Come on in, some old friends want to say hi."

Percy pulled out Riptide in pen form, and smiled at Lief.

"Just in case" he explained.

Lief nodded. And motioned towards the tent.

Percy held Riptide in his left hand and opened the tent with his right.

There were two figures in there, one appeared to be a blonde human. The other looked humanoid, but he was huge. Bigger then Tyson.

The giant figure had pure silver hair, and what appeared to be a silvery aura around him.

Percy gasped.

They turned around.

Luke and Bob both smiled.

Luke was the first to speak, "Hey Percy. Missed us?"


Sorry it took so long to update!
Hope you readers like this chapter! I'll try to update weekly now! Please let me know what you think!(:

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