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So if you don't know me, you might be wondering what the heck is a Hₒₒᗰₐ𝚗?! Now people who do know what it means refrain yourself from revealing it's meaning just yet.

So what or who do you think are monsters?? Like we learnt growing up that monsters are large creatures who are ugly with red eyes blah blah blah blah. After growing up, however, do you think are monsters??

Now what are 𝓱ₒₒᗰₐ𝚗𝘴, 𝓱ₒₒᗰₐ𝚗𝘴 are humans. I like to call them 𝓱ₒₒᗰₐ𝚗𝘴 well cause I do. 

So I think that Hₒₒᗰₐ𝚗𝘴 are the real monsters. While, I believe the Devil exists, many of you might not believe that the Devil exists. However demons do E.X.I.S.T. and who are they you ask? They are bloody moɬɧɛrʄųƈƙıŋɠ humans.

Yes, humans are demons, worse than the Devil cause while the Devil assures that you will be deceived and in pain the humans don't. Some of us are good, some of us are grey, some are beyond disgusting and some of us are so broken their is hardly any hope for us.

Everyone and I mean everyone's life is grey no one has a black life or a white life. Everyone has to go through, for some lot of sadness and very less happiness and for some very less sadness and a lot of happiness (bless these guys). Everyone is ʄųƈƙɛd up just at a different level. Some to the point that even people who have been through the same thing can't compare while you have those who have experienced so little trauma that you could compare them with an innocent baby.

According to me, 𝓱ₒₒᗰₐ𝚗𝘴 are the most disgusting, sadistic, cruel, inconsiderate...wait cut that out not inconsiderate, they are the most stone hearted creatures in this universe so far. I doubt there can be creatures more disgusting than us.

Now you guys might ask what was the point of this??

Well there was no point of this. This is just my thoughts I want to finally express somewhere.


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