You were a normal girl working at Playtime Co.You ended up quiting your job due to traumatic events caused by other workers (I will put flash backs explaining cuz it's juicy) and it was a good thing you did because all the workers went missing,no on...
Y/N POV: Kissy noticed my blush and chuckled lightly "see, adorable" she says. She stands back at her normal height and tilts her head like a puppy "so when do you plan on talking to Poppy?" she asks "Soon-ish" Huggy replies. There was a bone chilling silence "God, your so tense bro. Y'know, if protecting the human gets to tiring, you could always let me look after her. Like pet sitting, instead of baby sitting, because she's like a pup" she offers, a weird comment at the end of her sentence "I mean she is cute like one... " Huggy mumbles "heard that" me and kissy say at the same time. Huggy blushes and looks rapidly around the room to avoid eye contact "U-uh,anyways I guess you should watch her for me while I talk to poppy." He said. Kissy jumps in joy, clapping her hands together like a child "yay! We get to spend time together! " she says ecstaticly. Huggy says good bye and walks off, Kissy waved slowly until he was out of veiw. After she was sure he was gone she turned to you, picked you up and dashed to her room.
Kissy POV: 'I wonder why Huggy is so protective of the human, it's weird, does he like her. It's hard to tell, especially when he's never bin in love before.what if she hurts him, or breaks his heart? What if she's using him. If she back stabbs him, I'll kill her. But with how quiet and kind she seems, she should be good... For now.' My thoughts were interrupted by the sight of my door "Here we are" I say (Here we are in the future, and it's wrong~~~No, just me? Ok)
Y/N POV: When we reached the door Kissy opened it and we stepped inside. When I was fully in the room, I exsamined it with all it's pink colors and pretty decicore. The walls were a hot pink, the carpeted floors were a baby pink. She had a white dresser with a mirror and make up on it
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She had lights all around her room, and it had gotten dark so they were all on, it was beautiful. Her bed was like one of those princess beds, but it had a light curtin
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(Her bed)
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(Just pretend her bed doesn't have the pink curtins but has these instead)
She had moon, star and butterfly lights all around the walls and roof, there was even a love heart (here's all the lights)
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Kissy walked next to me while I stared at her room in awe "pretty cool,isn't it?" I just nodded. She sat on her bed, parting the curtins and tying them to the bed post, she patted next to her Gesturing that I could sit on the bed, so I did "What's your name, I feel kinda bad calling you human all the time" she confessed. You look to her "Y/N" you answer with a yawn and stretch at the end, all this coziness was making you tired. Kissy giggled "so much for hanging out, you can sleep if you want, I don't mind" You thanked her and curled up under the covers, slowly.... Drifting..... To... Sleep....
Mean while with Huggy (forgot about him didn't you?)
Huggy POV: Walking down the hallway, l feel a mix of both concern and doubt wash over me. I was worried about Y/N and how she might be killed because I wouldn't let her go, it could be all my fault. I reached Poppy's room and knocked "Come in" I heard a feminine voice say, I walked in and saw Poppy at her tea table with Wendy's on the table. We never got Wendy's, so ofcorse I got excited and tried to walk to the table as calmly as I could "Take a seat" Poppy said. I did as instructed still not taking my eyes off the food, I started drooling while Poppy looked in disgust. She relaxed her face and told me I could eat and immediately after I started DEVOURING the food, leaving nothing left "Why are you protecting the " Poppy said in a chill yet scary voice, showing she wasn't in the mood for games. I started sweating fericely and my eyes darted around the room "I-i... Uh, I uhm.... " I stuttered