Never been kissed- T.R. pt. 2

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Description: Y/N and Tom get closer, her friends become suspicious of their relationship

word count:1.7k

A week had passed since that night at the lake. Sirius had apologized many times because he forgot to tell her that he had a study date with a 6th year Ravenclaw. Y/N told him it was ok because her plans changed as well. She said nothing more.

This caused Sirius to become suspicious of what happened that night. So he went to his best friend and Partner in crime to get answers. Right now everything was at the breakfast table, side conversations filling the great hall with a low hum. Sirius leaned over to his friend to make the conversation private.

"Mate, did Y/N say anything about what she did Friday night?"

"No she didn't, why?" James replied

"She and I were supposed to meet but I accidentally stood her up, when I apologized she wasn't mad. like at all."

"Well, I'm sure she understood your reason for not coming. Why are we whispering?"

"Because I have a feeling something happened that night, there are ears all around us." Sirius explained glancing up at Y/N who was talking with Lily Evans about an upcoming project.

"You're crazy, what do you think happened."

"I think that Y/N was with a boy."

"A boy?" James laughed

"Yes a boy, she said her plans had changed and she had this look in her eye."

"Wow our little girl is growing up so fast" James sighed

"I know, any idea of who it could be?" Sirius asked

"No clue."


The First Class of the day was potions, Normally Y/N would be dreading this because it wasn't her favorite class. But ever since that night at the lake she couldn't wait to see Tom Riddle. Every potions class the two would talk and laugh as if they'd been friends for years. A few times Slughorn had to ask them to keep it down. It was kind of an odd sight to see, the notorious loner laughing with the girl whose closest friends were the school troublemakers. It definitely threw some of their classmates off.

But they didn't care, to them it was the best part of the day. They had more in common than they thought, creating a bond so quickly.

Walking into the classroom, Y/N headed straight to the back where her table was. Tom was always there before her since he didn't waste time to get there after breakfast. But not today.

He wasn't there. That's weird she thought.

Severus Snape another one of her tablemates was there taking notes in his potions book.

"Hey Sev" Y/N greeted

"Hi Y/N" he said back, she was always nice to him even when her friends were assholes.

"Did you see Tom this morning?" she asked

"No, he wasn't at breakfast. Why?"

"No reason" she didn't really feel like explaining why she was worried.

Professor Slughorn walked into the room, ready to start the lesson for today. As time went on Y/N realized tom was not coming.


After lunch, Y/N had a free period. She liked to spend this time in the courtyard studying or catching up on her current read. Headed to her favorite spot, a bench farthest away from the school which is shaded by a tree that is probably older than Dumbledore.

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