You're still my favorite girl -R.L.

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Description: Remus and Y/N once best friends wonder what happened to their bond

word count: 1k

request from AO3

Growing up together, Remus and Y/N were basically attached at the hip. If one was around, you knew the other was around the corner. Their mothers were best friends so they were grandfathered into a friendship. 

Always running around, laughing and joking, and always somewhere they weren't supposed to be. On a few occasions, they got in trouble for accidentally breaking Her mother's fine china. But hey, tea parties call for no less than the finest dishware. When they received their Hogwarts letters they were so excited to be able to hang out without their parents looking over their shoulder.

They got sorted into the same house, which meant they could spend every day together. But fate had other plans, during first year they both met new people and created new friendships. They still hung out all the time. As the years went on and school got harder it seemed they couldn't see each other as often as they'd like. 


Which leads us to today, a random day in their 6th year. Y/N had been focusing on her studies now that they will be graduating next year. Remus had been trying his best to keep his friends "The Marauders" as they call themselves, out of trouble. Inevitably, it never worked because madam Pince just handed him a slip for detention tonight. Great, he thought what a good way to spend the evening. He rolled his eyes

He didn't even commit the act of "defacing school property" it was James. The marauders sat in the library studying for their next transfiguration exam. 

James had been using the book Remus had checked out that discussed accidents that happened when a transfiguration spell went wrong. Reading wasn't something James loved to do so when he was bored he doodled in the book. 

Not knowing this, at the end of their session, Remus went to return the book. He had been the only one to actually check out a book so the rest of the boys left without him. Madam Pince loved her books as if they were her children so she checked every book for any damage once returned. 

Flipping through the pages she started to notice little stars and stick figures in the margins

"Mr. Lupin would you care to explain why you have drawn in this book?" she asked him in an accusatory tone.

"I haven't written in any book ma'am" the boy responded politely

"Right, well then why are there doodles all over these pages? do you know how old this book is?" her tone rising a bit

"I promise you I have-" he glanced down at the book realizing who the actual culprit was. sighing he took the blame. "I'm sorry ma'am I didn't mean to, I must have mistaken it for my own book."

"Well, you can be sorry tonight in detention." 

James definitely owed him for this one.


Walking to detention Remus was upset he knew this would go on his record. Over the years he had been good at staying out of trouble, well at least not getting caught. All it took was one stupid stick figure. 

The classroom was empty, seems the school was quiet this week. Remus took a seat at a desk in the middle of the class. He was early, he always was. Waiting for the professor to come, another student came in. It was his old friend Y/N.

It felt like he hadn't seen her in so long, the last time they spoke was during summer. The Lupins and L/Ns had dinner with each other once a month during the summer. It had started getting awkward for the two as the years progressed. Most of their interactions had consisted of quick hellos in the hallway.

She looked different for the last time they spoke. She had grown into her looks, she was never ugly by any means but she seemed more mature.

As the girl walks into the room, their eyes lock. Sending the boy a greeting smile, she sits at a desk two seats away from the boy who was staring at her.

"Hi Y/N" Remus greeted her

"Hello Remus" she replied

"What are you in for?" He asked as if they were both prisoners

"You know, wrong place wrong time" she played along

"yeah same, I took all the blame" they both laughed.

"Hush now students" Professor McGonagall said as she strutted to the front of the classroom. scanning the classroom seeing it was only the two students. " As you both know, this is a time for reflection. while you organize all of the textbooks and clean the room, think about what you can do to better yourself so you do not end up here again. Is that understood?"

"Yes professor" the pair said in unison

"Good. Cleaning supplies are in the cupboard, I will be back in an hour to check your progress." She exited.

The two didn't waste any time getting to work, Y/N going for the textbooks and Remus the cleaning supplies.


Working in silence, Y/N thought about her best friend. All the times they ended up in trouble together, having to clean up the mess afterward. She wondered what happened between them, why things weren't like they use to. She didn't hate him or anything, she feared she had done something to push him away.

Remus walked over to Y/N's side of the classroom to wipe down the counter she just cleaned. 

"Hey Remus can I ask you something?" Y/N asked hoping to clear things up

"uh yeah sure what's up?" nervous about what she was going to say

"What happened to us? We use to be so close" she said with sad undertones in her voice

He never really thought about the reason why they weren't close anymore. Things just ended up that way. "I'm not sure, we just drifted apart I guess." he said

"I was afraid I had done something to make you hate me"

"Hate you? That's crazy. c'mon Y/N you're still my favorite girl" He smiled at her causing her to smile back. "How could I ever hate you? I've loved you my whole." He whispered

"Really?" She said feeling heat rise in her cheeks.

"Of course I have. You were always the best part of the day. Being around you brings me comfort, like everything would be okay because you were there."

"I never knew you felt that way, if I did I would've told you sooner." she said 

"Tell me what?" He asked curiously 

"I love you, Remus."

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