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"Y/n you can't stop me from visiting him. He's my best friend!"

"He hurt us Sapnap! He's a bad person, and I wish I seen that sooner before I gave my heart away!"

Sapnap sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, he looked up to the girl who looked desperate.

"Y/n I have to do this."

Y/n sighed as she watched Sapnap brush himself and stand up.

"I'll see you at home." Sapnap put his hand onto her shoulder which she rolled off.

The brunette sighed and walked towards the prison to see an old friend.

''Hello Dream.'' 

''Hi Sapnap.''

The small wall was standing in between the two friends until it was brought down, Sapnap entered the room Dream was in and looked him up and down.

Dream's hair was messy and his prisoner clothes were dirty, his mask was dirtier than last time and his scars were much more visible.

''About time you visited me, I was starting to get lonely.''

''You're going to have to get used it, you're in here for the rest of your life. And if you ever escape, I'll be the one to kill you.'' 

Dream smirked and chuckled, he leaned against the hard dark wall as he crossed his arms. ''What a shame that'd be.''

''Why'd you do it Dream? Why did you throw away everything? Y/n, George and even me. All because you wanted to be in control.''

''Sapnap, control over people is a very hard thing to get. So by collecting their attachments I could control anybody.''

''Dream you were Y/n's attachment!''

''I know, that's what dragged me down.'' 

Sapnap stared at his friend in shock, Dream looked up at the brunette and grinned. 

''She wants to hate you yknow, she really does. She talks all about how she wants to kill you and you to hate her. Yet, she can't.''

Dream listened to Sapnap before putting his head down in guilt, he knew he was the reason Y/n could never fall in love again.

''Do you regret it, Dream?''

''To be completely honest, I don't know.''

Y/n stomped through the thick snow that she'd never been in before, she rubbed her arms for warmth and looked down.

She sniffed from her running nose and looked up to see dark oak houses laid out with other stone structures.

The h/c girl furrowed her brows as she entered the small village and looked around, she heard a door open and voices being heard.

Y/n looked up at the house that was in the centre of the village to see two familiar figures.

Puffy and Tubbo walked out in matching uniform, the two were in a thick brown vest accompanied by a hood, boots, and pants, all lined with cream-colored fur. 

''Yeah- Y/n?!'' Puffy ran down the steps after seeing her cold sister.

Puffy hugged her sister tightly while Tubbo watched from afar, Y/n slowly hugged her sister back and pulled out of the hug.

''Y/n oh my gosh, you're freezing! Come in.'' Puffy held onto Y/n's hand as she re-entered the house.

Inside the house was warm and a fireplace was lit, there was paintings and bookshelves all around the room.

fallen romance [wilbur x reader] {dream x reader}Where stories live. Discover now