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The four figures stared at the tall man wearing a brown trench coat and a white streak in his hair.

Wilbur looked around, confused of his new surroundings.

''Who the fuck is this?'' Wilbur asked as he walked over to the blue sheep who looked up innocently at him.

Tommy was opposite Wilbur holding onto the lead for the sheep, while the others stood agape on the side.

Y/n didn't know how to react, her husband was back yet he was so different.

''Take some blue, calm yourself-''

''No no no I obviously missed a beat, what's happening here?'' Wilbur asked as he backed up away from the blue Tommy tried to hand him.

''You're in L'Manburg..'' 

Wilbur furrowed his brows and turned around to face the huge crater with glass on top of it. ''Oh fuck. Did I do that?''

Tubbo, Ranboo and Y/n all shared looks then turned to look at Tommy who was confused.

Wilbur hopped down onto the glass and walked around, he was in shock and chuckled.

''Wil..'' Y/n walked towards her husband who was looking around at the mess.

Wilbur turned around and stared down at his wife, she was a lot different from when he left her.

He looked at her horns which were visibly shown and the scars on her face, her hair was fluffy and her clothes were different.

''Y/n..god I've missed you.'' Wilbur pulled Y/n into a tight hug, leaving her shocked.

She could smell the cigarettes and dirt off him making her scrunch up her face in disgust.

Wilbur was wearing the same yellow sweater Ghostbur was wearing with his slightly destroyed brown coat. He had black bottoms and boots with fingerless gloves, and his hair was messier with a white streak going through it.

Wilbur pulled around and put his arm around her, he grinned as he admired the damage done to the nation.

Y/n felt stiff and uncomfortable at her husbands sudden arrival.

L'Manburg was quiet and nobody but the 5 were standing there, Wilbur looked over at Tubbo and chuckled.

''Tubbo! I made you president of this place! Where's the suit I gave you?'' Wilbur moved past Y/n and walked towards the small brunette boy.

''U-Um..'' Tubbo began as he looked over to Ranboo and Tommy.

Wilbur began to laugh hysterically as he walked around happily, he put his arms out and grinned. ''I'm alive! I have spent, 13 and a half years!'' 

Y/n and the others looked at him in horror as he was full of joy, yet nobody else was happy.

''Y/n! I'm alive, my darling I knew you'd wait for me.'' Wilbur held onto her face gently as she stared at him.

''Wilbur you need to go, you're not welcome here.'' Tommy said sternly as he stood behind Wilbur.

Wilbur smiled as he turned around to look at the blonde teenager, he looked up at the sky and gasped. ''Where's the sun, I need to see the sun!'' 

Wilbur quickly ran up the hill with the three boys following behind him, Wilbur sighed as he watched the sunrise come up.

The sky started to become a pink and yellow mix with red clouds coming up, birds began to chirp and the wind moved gently.

fallen romance [wilbur x reader] {dream x reader}Where stories live. Discover now