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The lava fell and the dark haired man widened his eyes after seeing his enemy. 

''Y-Y/n?!'' Quackity was shocked and looked at Sam who shrugged.

The platform began to move towards the cell with Quackity standing on top of it, Y/n noticed a familiar shimmer on the back of his belt.

''He has an axe.'' 

Dream looked up at Y/n with horror and hid behind her, the h/c girl looked at him confused then turned back to see Quackity walking towards them.

''Y/n, my good friend I've missed you!'' Quackity pulled Y/n into a hug.

Y/n furrowed her brows and scoffed, she tried to grab the axe from behind him until he pulled out of the hug and held her by the shoulders.

''Man you look great! I can see why Wilbur's in love with you.'' Quackity grinned while Y/n looked him up and down.

''You look great as well Quackity, I bet you get all the girls.'' Y/n faked a smile and watched Quackity's eyes dart over to Dream.

''Dream, she wouldn't happen to know about our little relationship huh?''

''Relationship? Oh please I'm intrigued.'' Y/n cleared her throat making Quackity draw his attention back up to her.

Quackity hummed in agreement then chuckled. ''Dream has the beloved revival book and he won't say a word about it. So for his crimes and the fact he won't talk about the revival book..we play a little..game.''

Quackity went to pull out his axe but felt nothing on his belt, he quickly looked to Y/n who was holding the axe.

The dark haired man chuckled and shook his head. ''You're still sly and quick, pity that couldn't save you when Wilbur was stabbed.''

Dream widened his eyes and turned to look at Y/n who narrowed her eyes then smirked. ''Pity..''

''Y/n we could do this the easy way or the hard way, you hand over the axe and you can leave freely. Or we could do the opposite of that and you might not only have one scar over your eye.''

Quackity stepped closer to Y/n and slid his arms around her waist, Y/n watched him in disgust and scoffed.

Dream glared at Quackity as he watched him touch her like that, he watched the dark haired man attempt to grab the axe out of Y/n's hand.

Y/n stepped on his foot and hit him across the face with the hilt of the axe, knocking Quackity to the floor.

Y/n grabbed him by the tie and held the axe at the back of his neck, the cold weapon pressed against his skin making him shiver.

''Quackity me and you are doing this the hard way, I don't think the easy ways are fun. You can get your ass out of this cell and this land for good, or else I'll just kill you right here.'' 

Quackity glared up at the girl and squirmed around trying to get out of her grip, but her grip tightened instead.

''Do you understand?''

The dark haired man quickly pulled out a pickaxe and struck it up against her face, making a big slash on her cheek and jaw.

Y/n quickly let go of his tie and stumble back, she felt her cheek and looked down at her hand to see fresh blood.

Dream quickly ran over to Y/n and stood in front of her, he looked at her wound then glared at Quackity.

''Y/n, I really wish we didn't have to do this the hard way. But, if you insist.'' Quackity shoved Dream out of the way, hitting him against the wall.

fallen romance [wilbur x reader] {dream x reader}Where stories live. Discover now