16. Bed Of Lies...

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//Lyanna Moore\\

"Ugh i hate that he does these stupid ass events at these stupid fucking clubs" I sneered as Ciara sipped on her ice tea and Ryan danced around with Alfredo and Justin.

"I'm so annoyed lately" I hissed as Surina passed me a tequila shot. "Believe me you need it more than I do" she bit her lip as I did the shot, feeling the burning sensation, I coughed before sighing, feeling it all kick in.

"I need to unwind" I put my head in my hands. "What's with you girl?" Iza sat in the booth as I frowned. "I don't know i've just been a bitch to everyone and Justin puts up with it" I rolled my eyes.

"He hits on girls also, like obviously just to be charming but it's getting on my last nerve" I crossed my arms over my chest as Jonathan raised an eyebrow. "Looks like someone is jealous" he laughed as I scowled.

"I am not jealous" I pointed a stern finger at Jonathan who shrugged. "Alright Lyanna" he took a drink of his beer. "Look at him have fun" I watched as Justin laughed. "He never laughs that much around me!" I put my elbows on the table.

"Are you suffocating him at all at home? Maybe you both need some space" Ciara picked at her nails. "I just think you two need to chill out" Iza smiled, slipping out of the booth. "You two argue a lot" Iza confessed before walking to the bar.

"We don't" I scoffed as Surina gave me this deadpan look. "Yes you do, ever since that whole baby issue you two have none stop keep yelling and bringing it up" she played with Jonathan's hair."so what would you do?" I asksd her as she smirked. "shut his ass up with sex and a lot of it" she looked at Jonathan as he smiled. "we should argue more often." Jonathan mumbled as Surina smacked the back of his head. "you're annoying" she poked his cheek.

"Who the fuck?" I saw Justin hugging this one girl, and talking as his eyes trailed up and down her body as Surina used Jonathan as a little lift so she could see. "that's Ariana Grande" she smacked my arm as I felt my heart beat faster seeing them laugh and his arm around her waist as I turned to Ciara who sipped on her ice tea looking away.

"hell no" I stood up before Surina grabbed my wrist. "sit bitch" she placed her hands on my shoulders. "chill out, take a chill pill, take some sedatives for christs sake!" Surina rubbed her temples. "what the shit is she wearing?!" I spat as she wore a bralet with a high waisted skirt with black pumps. "not enough clothes" Ciara spat laughing as I huffed sinking into the booth crossing my arms as Surina shuffled over next to me. "you know what? he's making you jealous as fuck! you should do the same!" Ciara suggested as I shrugged.

"he's having fun, let him be a teen come on his birthday is in a few days" she smiled as I nodded. "okay" I whispered as they passed me a shot as I took it, letting it burn my throat. "fuck, I need another one!" I screamed as Surina laughed.

I went home by myself, with Justin not even asking me if I left or where I was I decided it was time to stay in my own apartment and drag my drunk ass home. Iza had been nice enough to take me home and tuck me into bed.

"d-do you think he'd ever cheat?" I held onto Iza as she pulled up the blanket covering me. "no, he's too into you to do something stupid" she smiled as she took off her heels walking into the lounge room. "go to sleep Lyanna" she turned off the light before shutting the door.


"UHM wow!" Ciara gasped as she answered the door as I smiled hugging her tightly. "did the sexy fairy come by or is it just me?" she pinched my bum as I poked my tongue out.

I had decided to wear tight skinny jeans that were slightly ripped and a white crop top with my nude heels.

"where's Justin?" I asked as she pointed to the kitchen as I walked through the house, chucking my bag down, lifting my sunglasses up and seeing Justin and Ryan pause their conversation as the cereal (literally) fell out of his mouth.

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