Chapter 2 (Sam's POV)

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As the fancy Tesla wing door flew open, I slowly got out of the seat, glancing over to Matt directly before, a serious, almost...annoyed, expression filled his face. Well, this is great...just great. I grabbed the camera, pressing the record button discreetly.'s best for Subject 4 to see some...umm...raw footage of Matt and how he has been...behaving...I mean, I do believe he has the best intentions at heart...but he hasn't been really acting...right. It's just for the best...maybe we could get some advice for him or something. Something to set his head straight.

I followed behind Matt, pointing the camera at the ground, trying to make it look like it was still shut off, ready to film more of what he wants. Bailey followed behind me, her footsteps so soft I could barely hear them over the sound of the gentle wind tugging at the tree branches.

Matt walked up to the Blue Base door, sliding the key fob out of his pocket, and opening the door with a click. He held the door open for me as I walked in, without looking at me. An uneasiness crept in, a bit overwhelming at first. I kept the camera pointed at the ground as I held the door open for Bailey, catching her eye as she went in, giving me the same uneasy look.

I positioned the camera slightly higher, catching the bottom of his legs and some of the furniture. I followed Matt into megadesk, sitting down on the couch as he sat in his chair, Bailey sitting next to me. After sitting down, be paused, taking in a small, but deep, breath, and then he turned to us.

"So...what now?" He gazed at both of us with a stern glare, as if he were annoyed. I held the camera in front of me, pointing downward at the floor.

"Well...maybe we could...I don't know...just go home for the day. I mean, it's already nearly 4," I responded. This triggered something in him, making him bite back.

"And what? Just give up? We have to know what's going on. Today has been so hectic, but we need to keep going to figure out what's happening." I tilted the camera a bit higher.

"No, I mean we can just go home for the day. It's late, we had a lot going on, we're tired. I think we should just resume all of this in the morning and get some actual rest." His tone became serious, his voice low.

"No. No, I'm not going home now. I'm staying here until this is solved, whatever it takes." I gave a nervous glance at Bailey.

"Are you suggesting we should do another overnight video...?"

"I'm staying here overnight. I'm gonna try to get this crap solved. Since you both don't agree, you can run home where you're safe and secure." Both Bailey and I flinched at the comment.

"Well, I mean, what if something happens to you and you're alone here? We would have no id-" I broke off as a loud bang shot through the air. The loud noise originated from upstairs, a loud crash. My heart skipped a beat, adrenaline shooting through my veins.

"Woah, woah what was that?" Matt exclaimed. I could barely move, fear overtaking me.

"Th-That sounded like it came from upstairs..." I stammered. We all froze, unsure of what to do. After a moment, Matt broke the silence.

"O-Okay...Sam turn on the camera, let's just...check it out..." I shakily nodded, remembering that the camera was already on. I lifted it onto my shoulders, repositioning the headphones. As Matt carefully crept outside megadesk, I slowly followed, glancing around, scared. Bailey followed behind, closing the door behind us.

I slowly stalked around the stairwell, climbing up the first step. The step gave way under my weight, making a loud creak. I silently cursed the step for giving away our location. At the creak, Matt whipped around, clearly extremely on edge. I gave him an apologetic smile and he turned back to the staircase. Each step rang out throughout the empty building, terrifying in every way.

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